Folio 15v - Bear, continued. De leucrota; the leucrota.

Folio 16r - Leucrota, continued. De vulpe; the fox.

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The bear. The leocrota.


The leocrota is a swift animal born in India. It is the size of an ass with the hindquarters of a stag, the chest and legs of a lion, [a horse's head and a mouth split open as far as its ears. It has a continuous jawbone instead of teeth].


The last part of the description is absent from this text but is clearly illustrated and occurs in other versions. Pricking and ruling are visible. Based on the contents of the Ashmole Bestiary, there are pages missing for leocrota, crocodile, manticore, and start of parander.



The parander. The fox.


The fox is crafty and deceitful. When it is hungry it rolls in red earth to look as if it is covered in blood. It feigns death by holding its breath. Birds come to sit on the body whereupon the fox jumps up and eats them.


Pricking is visible. Ruling passes underneath the illustration. Initial indicator 'v' in right margin. Initial type 2.