Ciência sem Fronteiras

Ciência sem Fronteiras

A University of Aberdeen se orgulha de participar do
programa Ciência sem Fronteiras - Reino Unido.

Esta iniciativa do governo brasileiro está aberta a estudantes de graduação matriculados em uma universidade brasileira que desejem estudar por um ano no UK e também a estudantes de pós-graduação que desejem fazer um doutorado ou passar um período desenvolvendo um projeto de pesquisa em uma universidade britânica.


Estudantes de graduação podem se inscrever para estudar por um ano na University of Aberdeen, incluindo um projeto de pesquisa de 3 meses. A universidade trabalha com um sistema semestral, com o primeiro semestre de setembro a dezembro e o segundo de janeiro e maio.


Você pode selecionar cursos de nossas várias disciplinas, incluindo:

  • Biologia
  • Biotecnologia
  • Ciências Ambientais
  • Ciências Biomédicas
  • Ciência Marinha
  • Engenharia Civil e Estrutural
  • Engenharia de Petróleo
  • Engenharia Elétrica e Eletrônica
  • Engenharia Mecânica
  • Engenharia Química
  • Física
  • Geografia
  • Geologia
  • Matemática
  • Química

Acesse nosso Course Catalogue para conhecer os tipos de cursos que oferecemos em nossos programas de graduação. Atenção: o catálogo está sujeito a mudanças a cada semestre, então nem todos os cursos no catálogo estarão disponíveis durante o seu período de estudo na University of Aberdeen.

Requisitos para admissão

Os requisitos para admissão variam de acordo com a disciplina e a área de estudo, entretanto, como orientação geral nós recomendamos aos estudantes apresentarem uma nota minima de 7 numa escala de 0 a 10 (ou equivalente) em matérias relevantes para serem considerados para admissão na University of Aberdeen. Estudantes que não tenham o inglês como língua nativa devem também apresentar a proficiência em inglês exigida pela universidade.

Como se inscrever

Acesse o site do Ciência sem Fronteiras UK para mais informações sobre inscrições, incluindo prazos e elegibilidade 



Laboratory, University of AberdeenSandwich PhD
Students who are currently studying for a PhD in Brazil can apply to spend 6-12 months at the University of Aberdeen on a sandwich PhD. Applicants must have completed at least one year of their PhD studies in Brazil, representing about 30% of their degree.

Full PhD (3-4 years)
The University of Aberdeen also welcomes applications from students for a full PhD (3-4 years). Students should have obtained a Master degree (or equivalent) from a reputable Brazilian university and must be in good academic standing.

Please note that there is currently no funding for Masters programmes in the UK.

Next Steps

  • Familiarise yourself with our research profile and read the relevant information on our website
  • If there is a good fit between your area of interest and our research, contact potential supervisor/s and discuss your proposal with them. Send him/her a summary of your research proposal (we recommend that this should not be longer than max.  500 words)
  • Once you’ve identified a supervisor, apply through our website at
  • Upon receipt of a conditional offer from us, apply to CsF (Ciência sem Fronteiras) by their deadline
  • Your research proposal will be considered by committees in Brazil and, if successful, funding will be awarded to you.
  • Send your confirmation letter to the University of Aberdeen which will issue a CAS (this will be sent to you via email).
  • You can then apply for a TIER 4 visa through UKBA in Brazil.

A flowchart of the PhD application process through SwB can be found here.

Please inform the International Partnerships Team once you have applied to the University of Aberdeen, by emailing your name, course of study and application number to Notify the team again once you have accepted your offer.

Research Expertise at the University of Aberdeen

Founded in 1495, the University of Aberdeen is the fifth oldest University in UK. Through the years, the University has never deviated from its core ideals on teaching, learning and discovery. Ambitious and research-driven, the University offers an encouraging, stimulating and supportive environment to students. The University of Aberdeen has a student population of approximately 16,000 and attracts a large international community of students and staff from over 120 countries. The University takes great pride in having a flexible learning environment where students are encouraged to build on their specific skills and discover new interests.

The University is based in Aberdeen, Europe’s Oil Capital, has academic links all over the world, and is the ideal place to study for those with an interest in the energy industry and the challenges it faces.  From major research on the environment of the deepest oceans to the latest teaching on global economics, we thrive on developing solutions which will boost the sustainability and competitiveness of the energy sector. Our College of Life Sciences and Medicine offers students a wealth of opportunities in areas such as Health, Biomedical Sciences and Marine Sciences. Its reputation for excellence is long established – for example the MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) was invented by the Aberdeen Medical School – and we remain world experts in medical imaging.

For more information visit:

Eligible Subject Areas – STEM subjects

  • Engineering
  • Physical Sciences (Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geosciences)
  • Clinical, Pre-Clinical and Health Sciences
  • Computing and Information Technology
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Sustainable Agricultural Production
  • Oil, Gas and Coal
  • Renewable Energy
  • Minerals Energy
  • Biotechnology
  • Nanotechnology and New Materials
  • Technologies for Prevention and Mitigation of Natural Disasters
  • Bio Prospecting and Biodiversity
  • Marine Sciences
  • New Technologies in Construction Engineering

Scholarships for Postdocs

Postdoctoral applicants from Brazil are advised to contact CsF (Ciência sem Fronteiras) directly regarding applying for postdoctoral positions in the UK.

English Language Courses

Students can also obtain funding for 3 month and 6 month pre-sessional English courses. Further information can be found on the SwB website.

Information on English language requirements and English language programmes at the University of Aberdeen -

Further Information

Brazil Contacts

  • CAPES - The Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior) 
  • CNPq - The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico)                                

UK Contacts

University of Aberdeen

  • Undergraduate Enquiries
    Mary-Alice Clancy
    Exchange and Study Abroad Coordinator
    Tel: +44 1224 272085
  • Postgraduate (PhD) Enquiries
    Please contact the relevant School or College of the University for further details.