Call for 3-Year PhD project applications

Call for 3-Year PhD project applications

The Medical Research Council Centre For Medical Mycology At The University of Aberdeen (MRC CMM)


Applications are invited for PhD project proposals that will start in October 2017. Successful PhD projects from this call will be available for selection by the current cohort of MRC CMM students studying the 1+3 MRes-PhD Studentship in Medical Mycology at the University of Aberdeen (further details here). Full details on how projects are selected by the students and the final approval by project applicants can be found in the Guidelines for Applicants.

A PhD project grant will fund the student’s stipend (MRC UK rates), UK/EU tuition fees and research expenses (up to £9000 per annum) for three years.  

2 PhD Project Grants are available for October 2017.

A PhD project must: (1) addresses one or more of the MRC CMM research priorities (see Q5 in Guidelines), (2) fit within one or more of the 6 research themes (See Q5 in Guidelines) and (3) be cross-disciplinary. Applicants should also describe the translational potential of the project, and how this will be achieved.

The call is open to AFG and non-AFG principal investigators at the University of Aberdeen.  All PhD proposals must have an AFG principal investigator involved, either as the lead applicant or as co-applicant. Co-applicants from outside the University are also eligible. Further details on eligibility can be found in the Guidelines for Applicants.

To apply please complete the MRC CMM PhD Application Form making sure to refer to the Guidelines for Applicants. Return the completed application form to Closing date for applications is 22 March 2017. 

For further information please contact: Dr Karen McArdle, Manager MRC CMM. Telephone: +44 (0) 1224437598, Email: