The Elphinstone Institute Seminar: The Religious Persecution of Musicians in Afghanistan, 1978-2014

The Elphinstone Institute Seminar: The Religious Persecution of Musicians in Afghanistan, 1978-2014

This is a past event

In this seminar John Baily outlines the movements of musicians in Afghanistan during the period of turbulent conflict that started with the Communist coup of 1978, followed by the Coalition government of the Mujahideen in 1992, the rise to power of the Taliban in 1996, and the post-9/11 era of Karzai. The data show that music is a sensitive indicator of broader socio-political processes; music making in Afghanistan varied widely in frequency and intensity according to the dominant ideology of the time, fluctuations that often involved the movement of musicians from one place to another. Underlying these movements was a deeper conflict between ideologies of traditionalism and modernization in Afghanistan that started at the beginning of the 20th century. The seminar is illustrated with clips from films about Afghan music during this period.

The seminar will be followed by a roundtable discussion with academics from the University of Aberdeen

MacRobert Lecture Theatre - MacRobert Building