Alcohol Consumption and Population Health - An ADRC-W seminar

Alcohol Consumption and Population Health - An ADRC-W seminar

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Alcohol Consumption and Population Health - An ADRC-W seminar


Excess alcohol consumption has serious adverse effects on health and results in violence-related harm. In this seminar, speakers will describe how administrative data from Wales and Scotland has been utilised to carry out research on alcohol consumption and alcohol related harm.


Change in alcohol outlet density and alcohol-related harm to population health (CHALICE): A comprehensive record-linked database study in Wales

The CHALICE study carried out a natural experiment of change in alcohol outlet density between 2006 and 2011 in Wales on alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harm, using novel GIS, data linkage and statistical methods.

  • Measuring alcohol availability using GIS and routinely collected administrative alcohol licensing data.

Dr Richard Fry – Farr Institute, Swansea University

  • Analysis of changes in alcohol availability on alcohol-related crime using Geographically Weighted Regression

Dr Scott Orford – Wales Institute Socio-Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD), Cardiff University

  • Change in alcohol outlet density, alcohol consumption and alcohol-related emergency admission to hospital

Professor David Fone - Farr Institute, School of Medicine, Cardiff University


Funding/publication acknowledgement

This project was funded by the Public Health Research programme (09/3007/02) and is published in full in the Public Health Research journal, volume 4 issue 3. Further information available at:

Department of Health disclaimer

This report presents independent research commissioned by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). The views and opinions expressed by authors in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the NHS, the NIHR, MRC, CCF, NETSCC, the Public Health Research programme or the Department of Health.

Fone D, Morgan J, Fry R, Rodgers S, Orford S, Farewell D, et al. Change in alcohol outlet density and alcohol-related harm to population health (CHALICE): a comprehensive record-linked database study in Wales. Public Health Res 2016;4(3).


Alcohol outlet density, health inequalities and policy translation: findings from Scotland

Professor Jamie Pearce – Centre for Research on Environment Society and Health (CRESH), University of Edinburgh

Greater neighbourhood provision of alcohol outlets may influence consumption patterns through various pathways, including increasing availability of alcohol products, reducing price of alcohol through local competition, and normalising local drinking behaviours.

This Scottish work examines:

  • the socio-geographical distribution of alcohol retailing across the country
  • the associations between alcohol outlet density, alcohol consumption patterns and health outcomes
  • the role of outlet density in explaining social inequalities in consumption


Finally, we will discuss some of the ways in which this work has been disseminated to key stakeholders including involving other actors in its co-production (seeing research and dissemination as a collective exercise between partners). We consider the policy implications of this research and chart our experience with knowledge translation and industry-related feedback.


Who should attend:Policy makers, social scientists, epidemiologists, geographers, statisticians, PhD students and anyone interested in social and health research in general.

Pre booking for this event is essential.

Registration opens at 13:30 for a 14:00 start. Tea and coffee provided.


Hosted by
Cardiff University
Council Chamber Cardiff University Main Building Park Place Cardiff CF10 3AT