School of Education MA4/PGDE Conference

School of Education MA4/PGDE Conference

This is a past event

The keynote to this annual conference will be given by Professor Do Coyle, Head of School, School of Education.  Professor Coyle will be questioning the future of education as we know it.  There will also be a variety of workshops for our students to attend including "Science Communication for Young Learners",  "The Wonder of Numbers". "Philosophy for and with Children", "Disasters and Displacements - British Red Cross", "Moving Image Education”, “Film-making in the Classroom", "Working with Children with a Hearing Loss" and "Charlie the Crocodile" where school expeditions to remote locations in Africa, Asia, Central America and South America are considered for risk assessment. 

Please join the fun and come along to the coffee area of the MacRobert Building where live music will be played over lunchtime from 12.00-1.00pm.

Professor Do Coyle
MacRobert Building