Careers Resources

Careers Resources

Careers in the Civil Service

Prospects Profile: Civil Service Administrator

Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.

Prospects Profile: Civil Service fast streamer

Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.

Prospects Profile: Diplomatic services officer

Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.

Prospects Profile: Intelligence Analyst

Detailed information on a specific job role from the Prospects website. Information is available on the activities of the role, salary, conditions, entry requirements, training, career development, typical employers/vacancy sources, case studies, contacts and resources.

Civil Service Fast Stream

The Fast Stream is a graduate entry route for Civil Service careers. This site provides information what careers opportunities are on offer in the different departments, what skills are required and the application process from online form to assessment day.

Civil Service Careers

Explore career options available in the Civil Service. There is an interactive career-matcher tool which suggests roles that would suit you based on your responses to a series of questions.

Foreign Commonwealth Office

The Foreign Commonwealth Office (FCO) website.

The Security Service (MI5)

The Security Service, more commonly known as MI5, is the UK's security intelligence agency. Their website allows you to find out about the range of roles available and the recruitment procedure.

Secret Intelligence Service (MI6)

Information about the career opportunities available, including Operational Officers, Language Specialists and Technology Experts.


GCHQ is a key part of the UK’s intelligence and security service. GCHQ's remit has two main elements: Signals Intelligence and Information Assurance. This page links to information about Careers in GCHQ.

Civil Service - HM Treasury

Develops and oversees the implementation of strategies for improving management of financial resources across central government. This link details HMT Graduate Vacancies.

Scottish Government graduate programme

Information about what the Scottish Government graduate programme involves and how you can apply. You can also read case studies of graduates working with the Scottish Government.

Northern Ireland Civil Service

Recruitment site for the Northern Ireland Civil Service.

Government Economic Service

The Government Economic Service (GES) is the largest recruiter of economists in the UK, working across 30 government departments.

Government Statistical Service (GSS)

Details of their recruitment opportunities for Statisticians, including summer placements. There are also case studies to find out what a career in Statistics involves.

How to be a Parliamentary Researcher

Written by a former Parliamentary Researcher this book explains the work of a Parliamentary Researcher and offers advice on how to build a successful career in is this area.

  • Author: Robert Dale
  • Published: 2015

This book is available to borrow from the Sir Duncan Rice Library. Please check the library catalogue for details.

Government Social Research Profession

Civil Service department providing and procuring social research for the UK government. Their website provides information about their work along with details of the fast stream programme and work experience opportunities.