Uses of Class

Packages that use Bindings
standup.joke This package provides joke generation functionality and all its related data structures. 
standup.unify This package provides unification facilities used during the STANDUP joke generation process. 

Uses of Bindings in standup.joke

Methods in standup.joke that return Bindings
 Bindings Clause.getBindings(UnifiableList outSpecLex, UnifiableList tempSpecLex)
          Returns a Bindings that results from the unification of both the output specifier and the template specifier instantiations.
 Bindings Schema.getKeywordBindings(List<Keyword> lex)

Methods in standup.joke with parameters of type Bindings
private  void JokeGraph.addLexNode(Bindings bindings, UnifiableVariable variable, SourceProcess sourceProcessCode, String sourceLabel)
          Given a UnifiableVariable that is bound to a Keyword, it creates a new JokeGraphNodeKeyword and replaces the binding of the variable to the node instead.
private  void JokeGraph.addPreconditions(Bindings bindings, List<Precondition> preconditions, SourceProcess sourceProcess, String sourceLabel)
          Given a list of Preconditions, this method goes through them and adds representations of them to this JokeGraph.
private  void JokeGraph.addVars(Bindings b, UnifiableListVar vars, SourceProcess sourceProcessCode, String sourceLabel)
          This function adds a node to the jokegraph for a variable appearing in a lexical precondition, whether coming from a schema or a clause.
 List<UnifiableCompound> Schema.instantiateOSFAnswer(Bindings b)
 List<UnifiableCompound> Schema.instantiateOSFQuestion(Bindings b)
 UnifiableCompound Clause.instantiateOutSpec(Bindings b)
 UnifiableCompound Clause.instantiateTempSpec(Bindings b)
 void JokeGraph.update(Clause c, Bindings b)
          Updates this JokeGraph with nodes and edges arising from this output specification function clause instantiation

Constructors in standup.joke with parameters of type Bindings
JokeGraph(Schema s, Bindings b)
          This is the constructor used to create a JokeGraph during the schema instantiation phase.

Uses of Bindings in standup.unify

Methods in standup.unify that return Bindings
 Bindings Bindings.copy()
static Bindings Unification.unify(Unifiable x, Unifiable y)
          Unifies x and y and returns the resulting Bindings.
static Bindings Unification.unify(Unifiable x, Unifiable y, Bindings b)
          Unifies x and y using the bindings built so far in b, and returns the resulting Bindings.
private static Bindings Unification.unifyVar(UnifiableVariable v, Unifiable x, Bindings b)

Methods in standup.unify with parameters of type Bindings
 void Bindings.destructivelyUpdate(Bindings newB)
          Updates the current bindings hashtable with the one in the given Bindings.
static Bindings Unification.unify(Unifiable x, Unifiable y, Bindings b)
          Unifies x and y using the bindings built so far in b, and returns the resulting Bindings.
private static Bindings Unification.unifyVar(UnifiableVariable v, Unifiable x, Bindings b)