Uses of Class

Packages that use POS
standup.lexicon This package provides classes and interfaces that handle access and manipulation of the STANDUP lexicon. 

Uses of POS in standup.lexicon

Fields in standup.lexicon declared as POS
private  POS Lexeme.pos

Methods in standup.lexicon that return POS
 POS Lexeme.getPartOfSpeech()
          Returns the part of speech of this Lexeme.

Constructors in standup.lexicon with parameters of type POS
Lexeme(String id, int ambiguityCount, String wordFormID, String conceptID, int semcorFreq, float fScore, String[] realConceptCodes, POS pos, boolean isNounCompound, String headWordFormID, String modifierWordFormID)
          Constructor that provides all necessary details.