Uses of Class

Packages that use Keyword
standup.joke This package provides joke generation functionality and all its related data structures. 
standup.lexicon This package provides classes and interfaces that handle access and manipulation of the STANDUP lexicon. 
standup.sql Provides classes and interfaces that handle access to the STANDUP lexical database, currently implemented as a relational database using PostgreSQL server. 

Uses of Keyword in standup.joke

Fields in standup.joke declared as Keyword
(package private)  Keyword JokeGraphNodeKeyword.keyword

Fields in standup.joke with type parameters of type Keyword
private  List<Keyword> JokeGraph.clauseInstantiations
          A List of keywords in this graph which arise during clause instantiation.
private  List<Keyword> JokeGraph.schemaInstantiations
          A List of keywords in this graph which arise during schema instantiation.

Methods in standup.joke that return Keyword
 Keyword JokeGraphNodeKeyword.getKeyword()
          Returns the Keyword represented by this node.

Methods in standup.joke that return types with arguments of type Keyword
 List<Keyword> JokeGraph.getClauseInstantiations()
          Returns a List of Keywords that arise during clause instantiation.
 List<List<Keyword>> Clause.getClauseInstantiations(UnifiableList input, InstantiationConstraint[] constraints)
          This method takes a Clause, a list of JOKEGRAPHNODES!!! that instantiate the input arguments of the Clause, and an array of InstantiationConstraint objects that further constrain the clause instantiations, and sends a query to the SQL server to retrieve all valid clause instantiations.
static List<List<Keyword>> Clause.getClauseInstantiationsCombined(List<Clause> clauses, UnifiableList input, InstantiationConstraint[] constraints)
 List<Keyword> JokeGraph.getSchemaInstantiations()
          Returns a List of Keywords that arise during schema instantiation.

Method parameters in standup.joke with type arguments of type Keyword
(package private)  float Generator.findMaxMinFScoreValue(List<List<Keyword>> instantiations)
private  JokeStructure Generator.generateJokeStructure(String newJokeID, Schema schema, List<Keyword> lex, List<String> templatesQuestion, List<String> templatesAnswer, double phonSimValue, JokeConstraints constraints)
          This is the core algorithm which instantiates a schema's lexical preconditions with suitable lexemes, binds the output specification function clauses, builds the initial JokeGraph, and passes it on to surface generation.
private  float Generator.getClauseFScore(Schema s, List<Keyword> lex)
private  String Generator.getExclusionStatement(String schemaTableName, UnifiableListVar lexemeVars, List<Keyword> instantiations)
          Returns an SQL statement string that updates the exclusion table
private static String[] Generator.getIDs(List<Keyword> instantiations)
          Returns an array of the lexeme IDs (enclosed in single quotes).
 Bindings Schema.getKeywordBindings(List<Keyword> lex)

Constructors in standup.joke with parameters of type Keyword
JokeGraphNodeKeyword(String _l, Keyword _ls, SourceProcess _sp, String _sl)

Constructor parameters in standup.joke with type arguments of type Keyword
JokeGraph(Hashtable<String,JokeGraphNode> nodes, Hashtable<String,List<JokeGraphEdge>> edges, List<Keyword> schemaInstantiations, List<Keyword> clauseInstantiations, int nodeCounter)
          This is the constructor used to build JokeGraphs from existing ones, e.g.
JokeGraph(Hashtable<String,JokeGraphNode> nodes, Hashtable<String,List<JokeGraphEdge>> edges, List<Keyword> schemaInstantiations, List<Keyword> clauseInstantiations, int nodeCounter)
          This is the constructor used to build JokeGraphs from existing ones, e.g.

Uses of Keyword in standup.lexicon

Subclasses of Keyword in standup.lexicon
 class Lexeme
          A Lexeme is a specific sense, or meaning of a word.
 class WordForm
          A WordForm is a word with a unique orthographic and phonetic spelling.
 class WordString
          A simple String representing the orthography of a word.

Methods in standup.lexicon that return Keyword
static Keyword Keyword.createKeyword(String sqlResult)
          Returns an appropriate Keyword given a String returned by an SQL query for Schema or Clause instantiations.
static Keyword Keyword.readXML(Element keywordParentElement)
          Looks for a single XML tag representing a Keyword under the given XML Element and returns an appropriate instance.

Methods in standup.lexicon that return types with arguments of type Keyword
static List<Keyword> Keyword.readXMLList(Element keywordListElement)
          Looks for all XML tags representing a keyword under the given XML Element and returns an appropriate list of instantiated Keywords.

Uses of Keyword in standup.sql

Fields in standup.sql with type parameters of type Keyword
private  List<Keyword> SQLSchemaRow.lexElements

Methods in standup.sql that return types with arguments of type Keyword
 List<Keyword> SQLSchemaRow.getLexElements()
static List<List<Keyword>> SQLUtils.getListNKeywordListFromQuery(int n, String query)
          This executes the SQL query provided as a parameter, and assumes that the result of the query is an n-column table of Strings, which is returned as a List of List of Keywords.

Constructor parameters in standup.sql with type arguments of type Keyword
SQLSchemaRow(List<Keyword> le, double psv)