Uses of Class

Packages that use JokeType
standup.clouds This package provides the implementation for the STANDUP user interface. 
standup.joke This package provides joke generation functionality and all its related data structures. 

Uses of JokeType in standup.clouds

Fields in standup.clouds declared as JokeType
private  JokeType CloudButtonOldJokesType.type
(package private)  JokeType CloudButtonNewJokeType.type

Methods in standup.clouds with parameters of type JokeType
static CloudLabel CloudLabelFactory.getHelp11(JokeType type)

Constructors in standup.clouds with parameters of type JokeType
CloudButtonJokeGetter(CloudFrontend f, CloudButton p, JokeType type)
          Constructor for type-based JokeGetter
CloudButtonNewJokeType(CloudFrontend f, CloudButton p, CloudLabel bl, JokeType t)
          Constructore for getting a new joke -- by topic
CloudButtonOldJokesType(CloudFrontend f, CloudButton p, CloudLabel bl, JokeType t)

Uses of JokeType in standup.joke

Fields in standup.joke declared as JokeType
(package private)  JokeType ChooserJokeType.jokeTypeValue
(package private)  JokeType[] ChooserJokeType.jtArray
(package private)  JokeType[] OptionsGUIJokeGeneration.masterJokeTypes
private  JokeType JokeConstraintType.type
          The JokeType which the joke is required to use.

Fields in standup.joke with type parameters of type JokeType
private  List<JokeType> JokeTypeSet.set

Methods in standup.joke that return JokeType
static JokeType ChooserJokeType.chooseJokeType(Component frameComp, Component locationComp, JokeType[] jtArray)
 JokeType JokeTypeSet.getJokeType(String label)
 JokeType Generator.getMasterJokeType()
          Returns the 'master' JokeType, i.e.
 JokeType JokeTypeSet.getRandom()
static JokeType JokeType.readXML(Element E)
 JokeType JokeTypeSet.removeRandom()

Methods in standup.joke that return types with arguments of type JokeType
 List<JokeType> JokeTypeSet.getList()

Methods in standup.joke with parameters of type JokeType
 void JokeTypeSet.add(JokeType j)
static JokeType ChooserJokeType.chooseJokeType(Component frameComp, Component locationComp, JokeType[] jtArray)
 JokeStructure Backend.getNewJoke(JokeType t)
          Attempts to generate a new joke that satisfies the current user profile's constraints and is of the given JokeType.
 JokeSet Backend.getOldJokes(JokeType t)
          Returns the subset of the current user's previously generated jokes that satisfy the current user profile's constraints and is of the given JokeType.
 List<SchemaTemplatePair> JokeConstraints.getSchemaTemplatePairs(JokeType masterType)
           Takes all the JokeConstraintTypes and JokeConstraintAllowedSchemas in this JokeConstraints and returns a List of all the possible SchemaTemplatePairs that satisfy all of them.
 boolean JokeStructure.ofType(JokeType t)

Constructors in standup.joke with parameters of type JokeType
ChooserJokeType(Frame frame, Component locationComp, JokeType[] jta)
JokeConstraintType(JokeType _t)
          Constructor must provide the JokeType.