Folio 83v

Devotions to the body of Christ and the sacrament, continued.

Prayer, Dum conturbata fueriti, continued.

... to receive the sacrament before he dies. The author asks the Virgin Mary to be with him at the hour of his death when his mouth, eyes and ears fail him, and to remember the prayers he now pours forth to her. He asks that with her help he may be delivered from his enemies and may behold her in eternal light.

Burnet Psalter image. © Aberdeen University Library 1998.

ram exitus mei sacrosanctum corpus et sanguinem tuum de\vota et pura mente sumere. Et te plasmatorem meum\ pio et puro corde credere ore confiteri et perhenniter te\ laudare. Assis michi o virgo virginum in illa hora quando\ premortua lingua mea nequit se movere ad invo\candum te, quando nec oculi lucem capiunt nec au\res patescunt. Tunc memor esto domina mea precum\ mearum quas nunc fundo ad aures tue pietatis.\ Subveni michi in tempore malo ut per te merear do\mina liberari ab inimicis iusticie et in eterna clari\tate te valeam contemplari. Amen.\

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