Folio 66v

Miscellaneous prayers and invocations, continued.

Introduction to the invocation, Messyas Sother Emmanuel, continued.

St Leo said that whoever carried it upon them need fear no evil spirit by day or night .

Burnet Psalter image. © Aberdeen University Library 1998.

gariront. Et qui le porte suir lui ia naura dou\te de mauais esperit par iour ne par nuit.\

Invocation, Messyas, Sother, Emanuel.

An invocation of the names of God.

Messyas + Sother + Emanuel,\ + Sabaoth + Adonay, + Pan\ton, + Craton, + Ysus, + Pri\mogenitus + Mediator, + Rex, + Alpha\ Et Omega, + Omousyon, + Salvator +\ Vita + Via + Sapiencia,\ + Virtus +\ Ego sum, + Qui sum, + Agnus, + Ovis +\ Vitulus, + Aries, + Serpens, + Leo,\ + Vermis, + Rex, + Christus + Pater +\ Filius, + Et spiritus sanctus. Amen.

Introduction to the invocation, Adonay, Flos, Sabaoth.

These are the names of our Lord to guard against plague, for women in labour or whoever are afflicted by fire or water.

Ce sont les\ noms que nostre seigneur pour saver plaies et\ pour femmes qui travaillent denfant ou pour\ soit en peine ou de eawe ou de feu.

Invocation, Adonay, Flos, Sabaoth.

An invocation of the names of God.

Adonay +\ Flos + Sabaoth, + Omnipotens, + Mise\rator + Et misericors + Trinus + Redemp\tor + Unus + Trinitas + Unitas +\ Eloy + Uach, + Sabaoth, + Adonay, +\ Amator, + Christus, + Ihesus, + Theon, +\ Leon, + Messyas, + Tetragramaton, +\

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