Folio 60v

Fifteen prayers ('The Fifteen Os') of St Bridget

INtroduction to the prayer, O Ihesu Christi eterna.

The merciful redeemer of the world appeared to a woman who prayed to him, asking that he might reveal to her the number of his wounds, and said: 'If you wish to venerate my fearful wounds, you should say Pater noster fifteen times daily and Ave Maria each day for the period of a year and venerate each one of the wounds for the whole of the year.' And he added, to the great comfort of those who are wretched: 'Whoever says the following prayer commemorating my passion throughout the year, for fifteen days before his death, I will feed him with my body that he may be delivered from eternal hunger and I will give him my precious blood to drink, that he may not thirst in the terrible fire of hell. Of his descendants, fifteen souls will be delivered from purgatory and fifteen righteous men will remain steadfast in virtue. And if he himself has been condemned to eternal damnation, I will commute his sentence to purgatory. But if he is under the maximum sentence of purgatory ...

Burnet Psalter image. © Aberdeen University Library 1998.

Misericors mundi redemptor cui proprium est\ misereri [misericordie] fluenta in miseros diffundere\ et gloriam petentibus tribuere graciose\ exoranti cuidam femine ut sibi numerum suorum vul\nerum misericorditer revelaret benignissime apparuit et\ eam pie consolando hec verba profudit. Si mea di\ra vulnera debita veneracione salutare volueris, xves,\ Pater noster, et cotidie, Ave Maria, singulis dicas diebus\ per unius anni circulum revoluto anno unumquodque\ vulnus debite salutabis. Et ad grande miserorum so\lacium continuo subiunxit. Quicumque in mee pas\sionis memoriam per annum integrum sequentem oracionem\ devote frequentaverit, per xv dies ante eius obitum\ eum cibabo meo sanctissimo corpore ut per hoc ab eterna\ liberetur esurie, et eundem potabo meo precioso san\guine ne in terribili igne siciat gehenne. De pro\genie quidem eius xv anime liberabuntur de purga\torio xv iusti servabuntur in statu bono. Et si\ ipsemet fuerit in statu dampnacionis terrifico eter\nam penam in purgatorii penam mutabo.\ Si vero in statu purgatorii maxime pene fuerit,\

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