Folio 58r

Miscellaneous prayers, mainly to Jesus Christ, continued.

Prayer, Deus qui gloriosissimum, continued.

Burnet Psalter image. © Aberdeen University Library 1998.

exultacionis et interminabilis iubilacionis\ optineant. Per eundem Ihesum Christum dominum.\

Prayer, O bone Ihesu.

A prayer to Jesus Christ, asking that he may, through his blood, wash away the author's sins; that he may, for his name's sake, redeem the author, whom he created from nothing; that he may not cast the author away, but acknowledge in the author what is his, and banish what is not; and that he may have mercy upon the author at the time of judgement. Quoting texts from the psalms and dwelling affectively on the name and mercies of Jesus, the author asks Christ ...

O Bone Ihesu o piissime Ihesu o dulcissime\ Ihesu o Ihesu fili Marie plenus misericordie et pi\etate o dulcis Ihesu secundum magnam misericordiam tuam\ O clementissime Ihesu deprecor te per illum sangui\nem preciosum quem pro peccatoribus effundere volu\isti ut abluas iniquitatem meam et ne me respi\cias miserum et indignum humiliter petentem hoc\ nomen tuum Ihesum invocantem. O nomen Ihesu no\men dulce nomen delectabile nomen Ihesu no\men confortans. Quid est enim Ihesus nisi salva\tor ergo Ihesu propter nomen salva me ne peream\ et qui plasmasti me et redemisti me ne permittas\ me dampnari quem tu ex nichilo creasti. O bo\ne Ihesu ne perdat me iniquitas mea, rogo te\ Ihesu piissime ne perdas me quem fecit tua bonitas\ O dulcis Ihesu recognosce quod tuum est et absterge\ Ihesu quod alienum est. O benignissime Ihesu mise\rere mei dum tempus est miserendi ne dampnes\ me in tempore iudicandi. Que utilitas in san\

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