Available Prizes for Modern Languages

Available Prizes for Modern Languages

Ayo Adeyeye prize

Awarded to the student with the best performance at level 1.

Value of Prize
£25 Book Token
Budget Code
Student Record Code

Best Dissertation in Language & Linguistics

Awarded to the student who produces the best dissertation in the academic year.

The Prize will be included on academic transcript.

Value of Prize
No monetary value
Budget Code
Student Record Code

Best Dissertation in Translation Studies

Awarded to the top student(s) of Level 4 Dissertation/Extended Translation who opted to write a dissertation and achieved a grade of at least A5.

Value of Prize
No monetary value
Budget Code
Student Record Code

Best Extended Translation

Awarded to the top student(s) of Level 4 Dissertation/Extended Translation who opted to produce an extended translation and achieved a grade of at least A5.

Value of Prize
No monetary value
Budget Code
Student Record Code

Best Interpreting Performance

Awarded to the top student(s) of Level 4 Advanced Interpreting Skills, who achieved a grade of at least A5.

Value of Prize
No monetary value
Budget Code
Student Record Code

Charles Durno Prize in French

Awarded annually to the student who is most successful in the Final Honours Examination in French Studies or in the papers in French in an Honours Group of which French forms a part. Anyone who has been registered in more than four years will be eligible. If in any year the prize in not awarded the revenue shall be added to the capital

Value of Prize
Budget Code
(EN) EP10035-11
Student Record Code

Donald Robert Stewart Prize

Awarded annually to the student who distinguishes himself/herself in the study of German Culture during the Honours programme.

Value of Prize
Budget Code
Student Record Code

Dr Steven Lawrie Memorial Prize

An annual prize for the best German language work achieved at Senior Honours level. The prize is awarded annually, on recommendation of the Head of the German Department, to the student who attains the highest achievement in language work during the Senior Honours translation work.

Value of Prize
Budget Code
Administered by Development Trust
Student Record Code

Frederick Roe Prize in French

Awarded to the student who attains the highest standard of translation during the final years honours.

Value of Prize
Budget Code
(EN) EP10111-11
Student Record Code

Hispanic Studies Best Residence Abroad Project

Awarded to the student who submits the best Year Abroad Project

Value of Prize
£25 Book Token
Budget Code
Student Record Code

Level 1 ab initio German Prize

Awarded to the student who distinguishes themselves in the study of German Language & Culture at ab initio level. The prize is awarded annually, on recommendation of the Head of the German department, to the student who shows the highest level of achievement & engagement in the study of German at this level.

Value of Prize
Budget Code
Student Record Code

Level 1 German Prize

This prize is awarded to the student who distinguishes themselves in the study of German Language and culture at Level 1. The prize is awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Head of the German Department, to the student who shows the highest level of achievement and engagement in the study of German at this level.

Value of Prize
Budget Code
Student Record Code

Level 2 German Prize

This prize is awarded to the student who distinguishes themselves in the study of German Language & culture at Level 2. This prize is awarded annually, on recommendation of the Head of the German Department, to the student who shows the highest level of achievement & engagement in the study of German at this level.

Value of Prize
Budget Code
Student Record Code

Linguistics Special Commendation Prize

Awarded to the second best student for performance in Language & Linguistics courses at Honours level

Value of Prize
Budget Code
Student Record Code

Outstanding Dissertation in MSc Translation Studies

Awarded to the student who produces the best dissertation in the academic year

Value of Prize
£25 Book Voucher
Budget Code
Student Record Code

Pamela Bacarisse Prize in Hispanic Studies

The Prize is awarded annually, on the recommendation of the School/Discipline Exam Board, to the student who has produced the best Honours Dissertation.

Value of Prize
£25 Book Token
Budget Code
2120 SP000 T00 0055
Student Record Code

Senatus Medal in French and German

The medal is awarded annually to the best candidate who gains First Class Honours in French and German.

Value of Prize
Budget Code
(EN) EP10115-11
Student Record Code

The William and Edith Witte Prize

The prize is established in memory of William Witte, who served the University in the Department of German for over 40 years, and became the first Professor of German in 1951, and of his wife Edith Witte (nee Melvin) who was the 1932 Senatus Modern Languages gold medallist, and who also taught as an Assistant in the German Department from 1944-47.

Awarded to a final year honours student who has distinguished himself or herself in the study of German literature during the two honours years of their degree programme.

Value of Prize
Budget Code
Administered by Development Trust
Student Record Code