Human Performance and non-technical skills

Human Performance and non-technical skills
Course Code
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Dr Steven Yule


Degree level professional qualification or equivalent plus 18 months work experience in a healthcare environment (e.g. primary or secondary healthcare provider, healthcare management).

MSc Patient Safety modules 1 & 2


The content will cover a theoritical and evidence-based background to the principles of patient safety in a range of healthcare settings. Taught by a multidisciplinary faculty from the College of Life Sciences and Medicine, specific topics to be covered include:
- Situation awareness
- Decision making
- Teamwork
- Communication (inter- and intra-professional)
- Leadership
- Stress and fatigue
- Workplace assessment
- Providing feedback and task debriefing


Block week release with 1 week of full-time teaching plus private study. Teaching will be in February for the first course, with coursework due in April. The format will be 10 3-hour workshops (2 per day) comprising lectures, small group work and interactive sessions.

Participants are expected to draw on and share their personal experiences of the topics covered and small group activities will be a prominent feature of this course. Some formal lectures will be used to introduce new material, but these are complemented by focussed discussion, practical exercises and group work.


Assessment will comprise continuous assessment (80%) and oral presentation (20%).