Travel Disruption - advice for students and staff

Travel Disruption - advice for students and staff

In light of the ongoing travel disruption to and from the UK, the University of Aberdeen is providing the following advice and information for students and staff who may be affected.

For the latest information regarding travel arrangements from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) visit the FCO website.

Information for students

The University is aware that some students who are currently overseas may not be able to return to the UK in time to attend classes. 

Please be reassured that students who inform the University that they are affected by the disruption, will not be disadvantaged academically. 

The impact of the disruption on teaching within the University will be taken into account by examiners when determining course and programme outcomes.

In the first instance, students who are unable to return to Aberdeen as a result of the disruption should email provide the following information:

  • Student ID Number
  • Surname
  • Forename
  • Off-campus location
  • Contact email or phone number (if possible)

It is important that students keep hold of evidence (such as flight tickets) which explains why they are unable to return in time, as it will be necessary for this to be submitted to Registry in due course as confirmation of mitigating circumstances.

Where possible, students should access any WebCT materials relevant to the courses for which they are registered.  In addition, and where it is feasible, students should continue to submit any relevant coursework electronically.  It is, however, recognised that this may not be possible for all.


The May diet examination timetable is now available via the Student Portal. Where the disruption to air travel will affect your ability to attend an examination or resit examination, please include the date and course code of your exam in your email to

The University will consider good cause for those affected, and students will be able to apply for resit exams in the August diet.

Information about how to apply for resit examinations for the August diet is available at:

Students who experience – or are experiencing - financial hardship as a result of additional costs incurred to return to the University, which cannot be recovered from other sources, may be eligible to apply to the Discretionary Fund, which is administered through Student Support – contact

For helpful information on the re-booking procedures being advised by airlines, visit:


Information for staff

Information for staff travelling on University business

Members of staff who have been travelling on University business and have been affected by the travel disruption have been contacted on an individual basis by the University’s travel agents – Carson Wagonlit Travel (CWT) - if arrangements had been made through this company. 

Information which has been issued by CWT to customers can be found at: 

Members of staff travelling on University business who made arrangements through other companies should contact their booking agent for further guidance. 

For helpful information on the re-booking procedures being advised by airlines, visit:

The University’s travel insurance policy covers any cancellation charges or reasonable re-arrangement costs arising out of the delay or inability to travel due to the current conditions.

Reasonable re-arrangement costs for accommodation means that the standard of accommodation would be up to but not exceeding that of the original journey.

Please note certain airlines stipulate that re-booking or refund claims must be made within 14 days of the original date of travel.

Please also note that re-imbursement by the University will only be available for expenses not refundable from another source – i.e. the airline.

To view the University’s travel insurance policy visit:

For further enquiries relating to the University’s travel insurance policy contact:


Information for staff on annual leave

We are aware that other universities in Scotland are requiring members of staff who are unable to return to work following annual leave, to take either unpaid leave or an additional period of annual leave to cover their continuing absence from work. 

There are no plans for the University of Aberdeen to adopt a similar approach at present. However, the situation will be kept under review.

If you are currently unable to return to the University, whether from annual leave or from travel on University business, you should contact your Head of School/Section as soon as practicable to advise him/her of your circumstances.

For further enquiries regarding the above:

Staff based within the College of Life Sciences and Medicine should contact:

Mrs Debbie Dyker, Senior HR Manager – telephone 01224 559968 email

Staff based within the College of Physical Sciences, College of Arts and Social Sciences and University Administration should contact:

Mrs Heather Crabb, Senior HR Manager – telephone 01224 272404 email


Future travel

If you are a student or member of staff intending to travel on University business whilst this uncertainty continues please contact your Head of School/Section.

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