Research Seminar - Professor Sara Gonzales

Research Seminar - Professor Sara Gonzales

This is a past event

'European Emissions Trading System and its Relation to Securities Market'

Professor Sara Gonzalez from the Cardenal Herrera University, Spain, will talk on ‘European Emissions Trading System and its Relation to Securities Market’ as part of the Law School research seminar series 2013-14.

The ratification of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol obliges the developed countries to reduce atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions. After the Kioto Protocol introducing the Emissions Trading System as a flexible mechanism, allowance trading is widespread.In the European Union and its member States, operators have created different markets to transfer and trade allowances. Among the different ways to trade allowances and their derivative financial instruments, we can find the platforms for secondary negotiation of allowances. At this point, not only Public Law but also Private Law must deal with the regulation of the Emissions Trading System.The presentation will analyze, from the point of view of Stock Market Law, the legislator's role regarding allowances markets.

Professor Sara Gonzalez
Hosted by
School of Law
New King's NK11