Rawlinson, Thomas

Rawlinson, Thomas
Book collector. Born London 1681. Educated at Cheam, Surrey, then Eton til 1698. Admitted member of the Middle Temple 1696 or 7. Matriculated St John's College, Oxford 1699, stayed til 1701 but didn't take a degree. Toured England and the Low Countries, then returned to study law at Middle Temple. Called to the bar 1705. Governor of Bridewell and Bethlem hospitals 1706, St Bartholomew's 1712. Pursued book collecting after he had succeeded to his father's estates, 1708. Member of the Royal Society 1713. Member of the Society of Antiquaries 1724. Accumulated vast debts due to his collecting activities, and 6 sales took place between 1721 and 1725. Died London 1725. Eleven further sales after his death due to the debts of his estate. "Eldest son of Sir Thomas Rawlinson, Lord Mayor of London and an omnivorous bibliophile... He must have owned over 200,000 volumes." - De Ricci.
Biography Date
Biography References
Prov. Reg. Notes (De Ricci, S., English collector of books and MSS, 1930., pp 45-6; Trans. Bib. Soc. V, 1901, pp 67-86; DNB XLVII 334-5; Elton, C.V.M The great book collectors, pp 213-4.); DNB;

Book List

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