Lumley, John, Lord

Lumley, John, Lord
First Baron Lumley. Collector and conspirator. Inherited family estates on death of his grandfater 1545. Created Baron Lumley 1547 after petition to parliament. Fellow-commoner at Queens' Cambridge 1549 with Henry Fitzalan, Lord Maltravers. Educated at court of Edward VI. KB 1553. Married Jane Fitzalan, daughter of Henry Earl of Arundel whose library he received, spent a lot of time with him. Keeper of the park of Nonsuch from 1559 til his death. High steward of Oxford 1559. Implicated in Ridolfi plot 1571, imprisoned in the Tower of London 1571, other locations til 1573. Erected the grove of Diana at Nonsuch, England's first allegorical garden, as an apology to Queen Elizabeth. Inherited Arundel's massive debts 1580, as a result gave Nonsuch to the Queen but remained resident as keeper for a lease. Sponsored surgery lectures at Royal College of Physicians 1582-3. Donated books to Cambridge and Oxford 1598 and 1599. Collected many books, prints and marbles, owned one of the largest libraries in Elizabethan England, nearly 3000 volumes covering a wide variety of subjects, but predominance of scientific, medical and geographic works. Also very interested in family history and genealogy. Died London 1609. "He owned a large library, every book & M.S. of which bore his signature on the title; he had inherited the library of his father-in-law, Henry Fitzalan, 12th Earl of Arundel (154?-1580) containing many books from the library of Thomas Cranmer, archibishop of Canterbury (1489-1556). Lumley gave 84 volumes to Cambridge in 1598 and in 1599 40 to the newly-founded Bodleian. When he died, his library was purchased by James I for Henry, Prince of Wales, and soon passed into the "Old Royal" library, given in 1753 by George II to the British Museum where most of Lumley's books are still preserved. Some are in the Harsnett Library at Colechester" (Ricci, S de. English collectors of books and MSS, 1930, p19-20)
Biography Date
Biography References
Prov. Reg. Notes (DNB); LOC; CERL; DNB; Drummond 304;

Book List

16 Items Ordered by Owner, A to Z

Owner (other form of name) Book Title Author Publication Place Date
Lumley Commentaria epistolarum conficiendarum Henrici Bebelij Iustingensis poetae laureati, poeticam & oratoriam publice profitentis in studio Tubingensi Bebel, Heinrich Tubingen 1511
Lumley Plotini Diuini illius e platonica familia philosophi de rebus philosophicis libri LIIII. Plotinus. Basel 1559
Lumley C. Suetonii Tranquilli XII Caesares. Item Io. Baptistae Egnatii ... De Romanis principibus, libri III. Eiusdem annotationes in Suetonium. Annotata... Suetonius. Lyon 1548
Lumley Polydori Vergilii Urbinatis de rerum inventoribus libri octo.; Euisdem in domincam precem commentariolum.; Item, Dialogorum de prodigijs libri tres. Vergil, P. Basel 1544
Lumley Historiae poetarum tam Graecorum quam Latinorum dialogi decem ... L. Greg. Gyraldo ... autore. Giraldus, L.G. Basel 1545
Lumley Gildae ... de excidio & conquestu Britanniae, ac flebili castigatione ... Epistola ... Non solum a mendis plurimis vindicata, sed... Gildas. London 1568
Lumley Partitiones theologicae, pandactarum uniuersalium Conradi Gesneri. Liber ultimus. Gesner, C. Zurich 1549
Lumley De-- miraculis rerum naturalium libri IIII Porta, Giambattista della, 1535?-1615 Antwerp 1560
Lumley Sphygmicae artis iam mille ducentos annos perditae & desideratae libri v Struthius, Josephus Basel 1555?
Lumley (John, Lord) Icones animalium quadrupedum uiuiparorum et ouiparorum, quae in historia animalium Conradi Gesneri describuntur. Gesner, Conrad Zurich 1553
Lumley (John, Lord) Paraphrasis in nonum librum Rhazae medici Arabis clariss ad regem Almansorem, de affectuum singularu[m] corporis partium curatione, Andrea Vvesalio Bruxellensi... Vesalius, A. Basel 1537
Lumley (John, Lord) Conciliator enucleatus seu differentiarum philosophicarum et medicarum Petri Apponensis compendium opera Gregori Horsti elaboratum. Petrus, de Abano. Giessen 1621
Lumley (John, Lord) A treatise, wherein is declared the sufficiencie of English medicines, for cure of all diseases, cured with medicines. Whereunto is... Bright, T. London 1615
Lumley (John, Lord) Ad Libavi maniam, Joan. Riolani responsio pro censura Scholae Parisiensis contra alchymiam lata. Riolan, J. Paris 1606
Lumley (John, Lord) Medicina astrologica iam denuo multis in locis aucta. Schylander, C. Antwerp
Lumley, John De ratione communi omnium linguarum & literarum commentarius. Bibliander, T. Zurich 1548