

Clinical experience is central to teaching within our medicine, dentistry and physician associate programmes. Within weeks of starting our courses, students will have increasing patient contact.  Initial clinical teaching centres around communication, examination and clinical skills that are delivered within this non-threatening environment, away from the pressures and anxieties relating to actual patient contact.

A highly trained bank of patient partners contribute greatly to student learning of communication skills and clinical examination is practised using simulated ward areas.

Classes in the use of basic examination equipment e.g. taking blood pressures, use of ophthalmoscopes and auriscopes, performing ECGs etc ensure students have a sound grasp of these skills prior to examining patients.

Further skills are taught using advanced patient simulators, such as "Harvey", "SimMan" and "CathSim". Practical skills, such as suturing, taking of blood, putting up intravenous drips etc are taught on a range of manikins and equipment.

The Clinical Skills Centre regularly hosts a range of courses including regional anaesthesa workshops, general surgical skills as well as many national courses such as Advanced Life Support and has received recognition from the Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh) for the facilities and support provided for postgraduate clinical exams, for example Mock MRCS Exam courses.