Undergraduate Degrees

Undergraduate Degrees

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Degree Programme Degree Qualification UCAS Code
Language & Linguistics and Spanish & Latin American Studies (5 years) MA RQ41
Language and Linguistics with Mandarin MA QT10
Law LLB M114
Law - Accelerated LLB M115
Law and European Legal Studies (5 years) LLB M127
Law and French Law (5 years) LLB M121
Law and German Law (5 years) LLB M123
Law and Spanish Law (5 years) LLB M126
Law with Computing Science LLB M1G1
Law with English Law LLB M2M1
Law with English Law - Accelerated LLB M116
Law with English Law and European Legal Studies (5 years) LLB M117
Law with options in Accountancy LLB M1N4
Law with options in Business Management LLB M1N2
Law with options in Economics LLB M1L1
Law with options in French LLB M125
Law with options in Gaelic Language LLB M128
Law with options in German LLB M124
Law with options in Mandarin, LLB LLB MT10
Law with options in Music LLB M1W3
Law with options in Spanish LLB M122
Legal Studies and Philosophy MA VM51
Legal Studies and Politics MA ML12
Legal Studies and Psychology MA CM89
Legal Studies and Spanish & Latin American Studies MA MR49
Legal Studies and Spanish & Latin American Studies (5 years) MA MR94
Marine Biology BSc C350
Mathematics BSc G100
Mathematics MA G102
Mathematics and Philosophy MA GV15
Mathematics and Physics BSc FG31
Mathematics and Spanish & Latin American Studies MA RG41
Mathematics and Spanish & Latin American Studies MA RG14
Mathematics with Gaelic MA G1Q8
Mathematics with Gaelic BSc G1Q5
MBus International Business with French (5 years) MBus N1R1
MBus International Business with Gaelic (5 years) MBus N1Q5
MBus International Business with German (5 years) MBus N1R2
MBus International Business with Mandarin (5 years) MBus NT25
MBus International Business with Spanish (5 years) MBus N1R4
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (5 years) MEng HHH6
Mechanical Engineering MEng H305
Mechanical Engineering with Biomechanics MEng H3H6
Mechanical Engineering with Management MEng H3N2
Mechanical Engineering with Subsea Technology MEng H309
Medicine MBChB A100
Modern Languages and Translation & Interpreting Studies with Overseas Placement MA RQ51
Molecular and Cellular Biology BSc C720
Music BMus W300
Music and Philosophy MA VW53
Music and Theology & Religion MA WV36
Music Education BMus WX33
Natural Philosophy MA F301
Neuroscience with Psychology BSc B170
Petroleum Engineering BEng H851
Petroleum Engineering MEng H850
Pharmacology BSc B210
Philosophy MA V500
Philosophy and Physics MA VF53
Philosophy and Politics MA VL52
Philosophy and Psychology MA VC58
Philosophy and Sociology MA VL53
Philosophy and Theology & Religion MA VV65
Philosophy, Politics and Economics MA VL51
Physical Sciences BSc F302
Physics BSc F300
Physics with Astrophysics BSc F3F5
Physics with Geology BSc F3F6
Physics with Philosophy BSc F3V5
Physiology BSc B120
Plant and Soil Science BSc CD27
Politics and International Relations MA L240
Politics and Sociology MA LL23
Politics and Spanish & Latin American Studies MA RL24
Politics and Spanish & Latin American Studies (5 years) MA RL42
Politics and Theology & Religion MA LVG6
Primary Education MA X120
Professional Development BA
Psychology BSc C800
Psychology MA C802
Psychology and Sociology MA LC38
Psychology with Counselling Skills MA C8B9
Psychology with French MA C8RC
Psychology with French BSc C8R1
Psychology with Gaelic MA C8QM
Psychology with German MA C8RF
Real Estate MA K437
Scottish Studies MA V210
Sociology MA L300
Sociology and Spanish & Latin American Studies MA RL34
Sociology and Spanish & Latin American Studies (5 years) MA RL43
Sociology and Theology & Religion MA LVJ6
Spanish & Latin American Studies and Music MA R3W4
Spanish & Latin American Studies and Music (5 years) MA R4W3
Spanish & Latin American Studies and Theology & Religion MA VR46
Spanish & Latin American Studies and Theology & Religion (5 years) MA VR64
Sports and Exercise Science BSc C600
Theology BTh V612
Theology (Online) BTh
Theology and Religion MA V605