Applying for Academic Discounting

Applying for Academic Discounting

If you have been repeating third year this year we would expect you to graduate with the Designated/Non-Honours degree.

Students are not normally permitted to repeat any part of their studies that will contribute to their Honours Classification (meaning third year, fourth year and fifth year, depending on the degree programme). However, if you have experienced medical or personal difficulties that you feel have genuinely affected your studies you may apply to have part of your Honours curriculum discounted.

Applying for discounting does not guarantee that it will be approved. If your application is successful, all of the results you achieved in that year / term will be ‘discounted’, essentially ignored.  You cannot apply to only discount certain results and carry forward others.

If you were registered after the last day of teaching in a term, regardless of whether you have taken your exams or you have received a C7, you will be required to submit an application to discount for that term / full year.

How do I apply for Discounting?

To make an application for discounting you need to:

  1. Provide a statement to the Convener of the Students’ Progress Committee (SPC Convener), who will decide on your application. You should outline, in detail, the difficulties you have experienced and how they have impacted your studies.  You should also clearly state your request to have the appropriate year / term discounted from your academic record on medical or compassionate grounds.
  2. Obtain a letter of support from your Head of School/Head of Discipline/Director of Undergraduate Teaching.
  3. Obtain supporting evidence e.g. a doctor’s letter.  Please note that it is your responsibility to obtain these documents.

Once you have all the documents above, you can submit your application by emailing them directly to your Registry Officer.  You can find their email address on our contacts page.

Your Registry Officer will liaise with the SPC Convener on your behalf and will email you with the outcome of your application. Please be assured that all information provided is treated in the strictest confidence and used only in relation to your application to discount.

If your application is successful you will still be required to pay tuition fees for both the year that was discounted and second attempt at the year. Make sure you contact any funding authority (e.g., SAAS, the SLC, etc.) to discuss your situation, in case you are eligible to have these fees met by them.

If you have any questions please contact your Registry Officer, you can find their email address on our contacts page.