Web Resources & Useful Links

In this section
Web Resources & Useful Links

Below you will find links to useful information within our internal webpages as well as links to helpful information and advice about mental health and wellbeing issues and topics from the NHS Online Mental Health Hub and SAMH.

Web Resources

External Mental Health Services Information
Internal Useful Links

Staff Events and Activities

This is where you will find information about all upcoming activities and events across the university.

Gender- Based and Sexual Violence

Here you can find more details on our approach to tackling Gender-Based and Sexual Violence (GBV); the work of our Strategy Group in this area; and sources of support, both inside and out-with the University.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Links to more information about EDI across the university and how you can become involved.

Online Mental Health Information

​​​​​​Overview of Mental Health conditions:

Information and online advice about mental health and wellbeing issues.

NHS overview of different conditions.

NHS mental health hub.

Resources designed to provide information about supporting yourself and others with mental health.

Signs and symptoms:

Information and support advice.

Information and support advice.

Signs and symptoms of most common mental health challenges.

A to Z of mental health topics providing overviews and guidance on support and addressing each issue.

Guides and self-help information:

Accessible audio guides relating to anxiety, depression, unhelpful thinking, sleep etc.

Downloadable PDFs on different topics and self-help guides.

Publications and guides relating to a wide range of mental health challengers and conditions.