Postgraduate Demonstrating & Tutoring Framework

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Postgraduate Demonstrating & Tutoring Framework

1. Online resources and assessment. 2. Introductory teaching workshop. 3. Peer observation. 4. Gaining recognition.

The Centre for Academic Development (CAD), in partnership with the Postgraduate Research School, provides training and support for postgraduate research students (PGRs) who teach. The training offered centrally is complemented by discipline-specific support at academic School or subject-level.

The University’s commitment to develop and support postgraduates who tutor or demonstrate is outlined in the four-stage Postgraduate Demonstrating & Tutoring Framework.

Stage 1: Undertaking the Preparing to Teach in Higher Education resource and its associated short, online assessment in MyPGR.

Stage 2: Participating in a School-specific introductory demonstrating or tutoring workshop delivered by CAD. This support also includes online tutoring advice and guidance.

Stage 3: Reviewing PGR tutoring/demonstrating practice through peer observation of teaching.

Stage 4: Completing CAD’s continuing professional development course, Principles of Learning & Teaching in Higher Education. This is externally accredited by Advance HE (formerly Higher Education Academy, HEA), and may be undertaken by PGRs with sufficient teaching experience (usually one year).

For further information regarding the roll-out of the Framework across the University, contact the Centre for Academic Development.