Parallel Sessions

In this section
Parallel Sessions

Parallel sessions took place simultaneously from 11:15 to 12:15 BST.

A. Inclusion and Interdisciplinarity 

Chair: Professor Jennie Macdiarmid (Director, Interdisciplinary Centre for Health, Wellbeing & Nutrition)


  • Professor Eleonora Belfiore (Director, Interdisciplinary Centre for Social Inclusion and Cultural Diversity)
  • Dr Silvia Casini (Senior Lecturer, School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture)
  • Courtney Crilly (PGR Student, LLM by Research)
  • Cushla Gray (UG Student, Intercalated Medical Humanities Programme),
  • Rowena Gomez (PGT student, MSc Business Consulting with Psychology)
  • Dr Helen Knight (Senior Lecturer, School of Psychology)

Question: How can the pursuit of interdisciplinarity at the University of Aberdeen foster inclusive learning experiences for our students?

Further details:
In responding to the question above, you may want to consider the importance of:

  1. Encouraging educators to design curricula collaboratively
  2. Integrate diverse perspectives in a meaningful way
  3. Providing students with authentic experiences that will prepare them for the future job market

Room: KCF7, King's College and MS Teams Room 2

Interdisciplinary panel: Elena Belfiore, Jennie Macdiarmid, Cushla Gray and Silvia Casini Interdisciplinary panel: Helen Knight, Rowena Gomez and Courtney Crilly

B. Inclusion and Internationalisation 

Chair: Dr Srinivas Sriramula (Dean for International Student Recruitment)


  • Emily Cleland (Teaching Fellow, School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition)
  • Mazz Cummings (Student and Go Abroad Ambassador)
  • Toni Gibson (Teaching Fellow, School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition)
  • Professor Ana Ivanovic (Personal Chair, School of Engineering)
  • Louisa Stratton (Go Abroad Manager)
  • Theo Williamson (Student and Go Abroad Ambassador)
  • Yuqian Zhang (TNE Student)

Question: What form should internationalisation take at our university to ensure a truly global and inclusive educational experience for all our students?

Further details:
In responding to the question above, you may want to consider the importance of:

  1. Establishing internationalisation practices that are truly equitable and take into account our institutional commitment to decolonising the curriculum
  2. Valuing our diverse and international student community, providing the necessary support to allow individuals to thrive while at our institution
  3. Providing students with meaningful international experiences that can prepare them to be critical global citizens

Room: KCG7, King's College and MS Teams Room 3

Internationalisation panel: Theo Williamson, Mazz Cummings, Louisa Stratton, Ana Ivanovic, Yuqian Zhang, Emily Cleland and Toni Gibson

C. Inclusion and Sustainability 

Chair: Dr Piotr Niewiadomski (Senior Lecturer, School of Geosciences)


  • Professor Tim Baker (Personal Chair, School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture)
  • Ainhoa Burgos Aguilera (AUSA VP for Communities)
  • Dr Marta Dondini (Lecturer, School of Biological Sciences)
  • Dr Tomilola Akanle Eni-ibukun (Lecturer, School of Law)
  • Dr David Flood (Teaching Fellow, School of Geosciences)

Question: Given our regional context and the need to rapidly shift to Net Zero and a sustainable society, what inclusive solutions can we identify to embed sustainability in our curricula and student experience?

Further details:
In responding to the question above, you may want to consider the importance of:

  1. Acknowledging and respecting different stakeholders and perspectives represented in our community
  2. Bringing local and global communities together to come up with positive solutions to urgent and high-stakes issues
  3. Embedding sustainability into what we teach in a more structured and consistent way
  4. Addressing capacities and skills for sustainability across diverse educational areas

Room: KQG5 Auditorium, King's College Centre and MS Teams Room 4

Sustainability panel in the Auditorium