Professor Martha Caddell, Professor of HE Policy and Pedagogy and Director of the Heriot-Watt Learning and Teaching Academy
Martha is Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and Deputy Chair of QAA Scotland's current Enhancement Theme 'Evidence for Enhancement: Improving the Student Experience'. Twitter @Martha_Caddell
Professor Peter McGeorge, Vice Principal Education
Professor McGeorge studied Behavioural Sciences (Psychology/Zoology) at the University of Nottingham before completing his PhD in Experimental Psychology. He moved to the University of Aberdeen in 1990 to become a post-doctoral research fellow and subsequently a lecturer in the School of Psychology. In 2004 he became the Head of School of Psychology within the College of Life Sciences and Medicine and in 2010 was appointed Vice-Principal for Learning and Teaching.
Peter McGeorge has a broad range of research interests and publications covering the area of visual attention in both healthy and clinical populations.
Dr John Barrow, Senior Lecturer (Scholarship), School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition
He completed a PGCert in Higher Education in 2011, becoming a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, then in 2015 was made a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Dr Lynsey Christie, Teaching Fellow, School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition
Her previous research has focused on the effect of dietary changes to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and reducing second-hand smoke exposure in the home to improve child health.
Her current research explores ways to enhance the student experience for postgraduate students. Specifically, she is involved in delivering transferable skills development to improve employability, increasing engagement of staff and students in the feedback process to increase effectiveness, and the use of digital technology to diversify teaching delivery format.
Dr Leone Craig, Teaching Fellow, School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition
Leone has been Teaching Fellow in Applied Health Sciences since December 2017.
She has a background in health sciences and nutrition and prior to her current role was a Research Fellow in Public Health Nutrition within the Institute of Applied Health Sciences and the Rowett Institute.
She is currently Programme coordinator for MSc Global Health & Management and coordinates and teaches on on-campus and online courses within this programme, MSc Human Nutrition and other MSc programmes within the Institute of Applied Health Sciences.
Ann Davidson, Enterprise Programme Director, Scottish Institute for Enterprise (SIE)
Before joining SIE in January 2011, Ann successfully developed training initiatives with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Scotland and the WS Society, where she was Course Director for three years.
One of Ann's main interests at SIE is looking at the drivers of future change across different industry sectors and society as a whole, and how these present opportunities for innovation in the present. Another great passion of Ann is Yoga, where she qualified as a teacher in 2015
Dr Karen Foster, Provost, AFG College with the University of Aberdeen, Doha, Qatar
Karen Foster has been the Provost of the University of Aberdeen campus in Qatar since January 2018. Prior to this she worked as a Senior Clinical Lecturer in Aberdeen Medical School for many years, latterly as the Admissions Lead for Medicine and Lead for Student Support.
A MBChB graduate of the University of Aberdeen, she trained first in general practice and then public health, working as a Consultant in Public Health with NHS Grampian from 1994 to 2000.
Professor Marcel Jaspars, Professor of Organic Chemistry, School of Natural and Computing Sciences
Marcel has long term involvement in public engagement planning larger events (Royal Society of Chemistry's Chemistry Week on 7 occasions, Chair of the Local Organising Committee of the Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference 2020) as well as regular hands on events for schools (eg 'Flavours and Fragrances' and 'Build a Medicine' workshops) and lectures on several topics to schools and other public audiences.
Besides writing articles for different audiences on a range of subjects, he developed a model kit to explain protein structure to high school and undergraduate students. This collected experience has been used to shape the Science and Society Sixth Century Course which incorporates aspects of ethics, science communication, intellectual property and entrepreneurship. This course includes a visit to a local science centre to allow the students to feedback ideas on the centre and provide concepts for new exhibits.
Stuart McNab, Assurance Associate, Ernst & Young
He graduated from the University of Aberdeen in 2016 with a BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering. During his time at University, Stuart held the post of Treasurer on the Childreach International Committee and used this role to participate in the Careers Service STAR (Students Taking Active Roles) Award, gaining the Bronze STAR level.
He is active in supporting recruitment activities for Ernst & Young and interacts with applicants from the University on a regular basis.
Dr Heidi Mehrkens, Lecturer (Scholarship), School of Divinity, History and Philosophy
Dr Heidi Mehrkens joined the University of Aberdeen as a Lecturer in Modern European History in 2016. She teaches and researches the cultural history of politics in the long 19th century.
As First Year Coordinator for History within the School of DHP and part of a dedicated teaching team she is accompanying students when they start their journey at University.
Dr Heather Morgan, Lecturer in Applied Health Sciences, School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition
In October 2017, she was appointed to her current role. She leads online and on campus courses in global health, work-based placements and research projects at MSc level and teaches qualitative research methods. She is a public engagement with research specialist and is currently researching postgraduate study and employability. She will soon be launching her podcast channel on this topic.
Aloyise Mulligan, Lecturer (Scholarship) in Education, School of Education
Aloyise has a keen interest in developing the online environment to support distance learning students. Her current role incorporates teaching in both the PGDE and MA programmes as well as Programme Director for the new alternative route to full GTCS registration, PGCert in Educational Studies (STQ). In 2016/17 she was awarded the Excellence in Teaching award (Postgraduate).
Maria Nikoletatou, eLearning Adviser, Centre for Academic Development
Dr Amudha Poobalan, Senior Lecturer in Public Health (Scholarship), School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition
She joined the Public Health team in 2000, with research interests in lifestyle modification for prevention of non-communicable diseases, especially focusing on young adults and countries in transition. She leads the MPH on-campus programme and the Systematic Review course in the Institute of Applied Health Sciences. She has international public health research and teaching collaborations with India, Nepal and Australia.
Rachel Shanks is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Education. Rachel researches induction, mentoring and informal learning and has a keen interest in facilitating peer feedback by students. She is a co-convenor of Network 6 of the European Educational Research Association which has a focus is on Open Learning.