Designing & Tutoring Online Course (DTOC)
The Designing & Tutoring Online Course (DTOC) is a five-week course which was created to support staff going online, whilst also allowing them to experience studying online as a student.
Start Dates
The start date for the next course is:
- Monday 24 April 2023 for 5 weeks
To book your place, please visit the course booking system or contact the Centre for Academic Development .
The course has made use of the following features:
Introductory Activities
- An introductory video clip using Panopto, giving an overview of the topics and activities
- Video guides on how to access and navigate the course
- Message welcoming everyone to the course
- Course Information providing the following:
- Contacts: names and email addresses of the tutors
- AFHEA information
- Crucial Information: Course Guide; Using the Discussion Forum, User Guidelines; Reading List
- Discussion activities, to get to know each other:
- Post up welcome messages and introductions
- Post up a photo - icebreaker activity
Course Design
The second week covers the principles behind course design, focusing on topics such as storyboarding, constructive alignment, learning outcomes, learning and teaching activities. The two activities associated with this week are writing learning outcomes (individual activity) and engaging with a problem-based learning scenario within your allocated groups.
Tutoring Online
During this week the course focusses upon tutoring online, asynchronous and synchronous communication, role of the tutor, using the discussion board and web conferencing tools. The activities for this week involve watching web conferencing scenarios and a follow-up activity to the problem-based learning scenario in week 2, in which as a group you will have to identify and address any challenges you might face when implementing your solution to said scenario.
Self Assessment of Video Clip
Towards the end of the course participants are asked to produce a short introductory video clip using Panopto. Upload the link of the clip to MyAberdeen, then self-evaluate this video.
The course ends with a short quiz and evaluation survey.
Accredited Professional Development
The course is externally accredited by Advance HE and upon successful completion of the course, participants are eligible to submit their evidence to become an Associate Fellow (AFHEA).
Holding your data: our duties under GDPR
The University of Aberdeen is mindful we have a legal obligation to comply with the the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. You can find out more about the University's policy and position on data protection as well as general guidance on data protection here . Furthermore, you can find out more about how we use staff data on our University Staff Privacy Notice page .