Student Retention Symposium: A focus on good practice

Student Retention Symposium: A focus on good practice

Thursday 2nd May 2013
Linklater Rooms, Old Aberdeen

Interested staff are invited to register for the above event, which aims to share best practice in terms of promoting student retention from all corners of the University (and beyond). Please look at the provisional programme.

Strategies for improving retention and identifying and supporting “at risk” groups will be outlined in a series of talks by University teaching staff, with ample time for discussion, networking and practice sharing.

The keynote speaker is Dr Sue Will from Brighton Business School, University of Brighton. Dr Will has pioneered a successful peer mentoring scheme in the Brighton Business School, where final year students mentored first year students as part of modules embedded within their respective curricula. The primary aims were to support and retain first year students, but further objectives included links to skills acquisition, employability and creating a sense of purpose early within the Business programme. More recent work in this field has seen D, select Centre for Academic Development and then complete your booking. Alr Will collaborating with key contacts to develop a “role modelling” programme within the Business curriculum, and an evaluation of its success will be included as part of her fascinating talk. Dr Will’s presentation promises to be relevant, modern and motivational in terms of maintaining and improving our own retention efforts.

Lunch is provided and there are limited places available, so early registration is encouraged.

To book your place, please go to course booking select Centre for Academic Development and then complete your booking. alternatively, please contact the Centre for Academic Development ( If you have any specific dietary requirements, please let us know.

I look forward to seeing you at this event.


Professor Peter McGeorge

Vice Principal for Learning & Teaching