- 2019
December RSNA Conference Chicago
04 December 2019
David Lurie and Alistair Heather attended the RSNA Annual Meeting held in Chicago between the 29th November and the 4th December 2019 to promote the work being carried out in FFC-MRI as part of the IDentIFY project.
Delegates visited the booth which included visual, printed and working mechanical exhibits.
PhD Students (Bio-medical Sciences) Visit
December 2019
As part of Aberdeen University's research for knowledge exchange initiative 10 new Bio-medical Scences PhD students viewed the MK1 MRI scanner in the art space at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary as well as viewing the prototype FFC-MRI scanner. Dr James Ross provided talks on both scanners.
Prototype FFC-MRI scanner September Open Doors 2019
7 September 2019
James Ross showed groups from the public the prototype FFC-MRI scanner, provided details of the prototype and answered questions.
Over 60 members of the public attended the sessions.
11th July 2019
At HMP Grampian, members of the IDentIFY team took part in Cell Block Science. An initiative established at the University of St. Andrews, and funded by the Wellcome Trust to be taken nationwide, which aims to educate inmates about the science being undertaken at universities close to them.
That's TV North Scotland Interview with Professor David Lurie
May Immobile Choreography
24th May 2019 at 5-6pm
The Suttie Arts Space, Aberdeen Royal InfirmaryA publication to accompany the exhibitions Immobile Choreography by Beverley Hood and From Where Do We See? curated by Dr Silvia Casini, at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, will be launched as part of the University of Aberdeen's MayFest programme. Both exhibitions celebrate 40 years of MRI development in Aberdeen, bridging two moments in the history of MRI innovation at the University of Aberdeen.
The launch event will be led by Dr Silvia Casin i (lecturer in Film and Visual Culture) in The Suttie Arts Space. Guest speakers will include:
- Dr Leeane Bodkin - Clinical Lecturer (Scholarship) and Coordinator Medical Humanities (University of Aberdeen)
- Dr Lionel Broche - Research Fellow (Identify)
- Neil Curtis - Head of Museums & Special Collections (University of Aberdeen)
- Beverley Hood
(refreshments will be provided)
Both exhibitions run until the 16th of June. Keep looking on our social media for further updates.
From Where Do We See? Craft Skills and Aesthetics in MRI
24 May 2019, 17:00 -18:00
The Suttie Arts Space, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Foresterhill, AB25 2ZN
FREE/No Booking RequiredJoin us for the launch of the publication to accompany Beverley Hood's commission for Grampian Hospitals Art Trust.
Beverley is investigating the work currently being developed by the IDentIFY research project and its link to Mark-1, the world's first full body MRI scanner. The talk will be led by Dr Silvia Casini, lecturer in Film and Visual Culture at the University of Aberdeen.
January The History, Physics, Applications and Future of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
29th January 2019
Aberdeen Royal InfirmaryTalk given by Professor David Lurie
- 2018
Open Doors 2018 8th September 2018
University of Aberdeen PEDRI Unit and Suttie CentreJames Ross showed groups from the public the prototype FFC-MRI scanner, provided details of the prototype and answered questions.
Lionel Broche explained posters that were on display in the Suttuie Centre and answered questions.
British Science Week Scanners Tour Open-Lab: MRI Scanners Past and Future
17th March 2018
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Art Space and Aberdeen University's PEDRI Unitprototype The world's first MRI scan of a patient was done in 1980, using Aberdeen University's “Mark-I” scanner. Now a team of scientists at the University's Medical School has built a new kind of scanner called “Fast-Field-Cycling” MRI, which could provide earlier diagnosis of many diseases. This event is a unique opportunity to see for yourself the original Mark-I scanner in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary and to visit the laboratory where the world's only prototype FFC-MRI scanner has been built.
Experts will be on hand to explain the scanning technology, to answer questions and to guide tours to see the scanners.
The original Mark 1 scanner British Science Week Talks 2018 Suttie Centre, Foresterhill Lecture Theatre, AB25 2ZD
What is an FFC-MRI scanner and how can it benefit patients?
Presented by Dr Lionel Broche (IdentIFY Project) and Dr Mary Joan MacLeod (Stroke Specialist)
Event held during the IDentIFY project half-term meetings and wokshops.
In 1980 the very first scan of a patient by MRI was carried out at the University of Aberdeen. Now a new generation of scanners has been designed and built there. Called “Fast Field-Cycling MRI”, the devices switch rapidly between strong and weak magnetic fields, generating extra diagnostic information for the doctors who read the scans. Hear from the team behind this new technology.
They will explain how the FFC-MRI scanners work, and how clinical trials using a prototype scanner are already helping medical staœff to see more about their patients' condition.This event is led by the members of a European consortium called “IDentIFY” Improving Diagnosis by Fast Field-Cycling MRI and funded by the EU. - 2017
Cafe Scientifique Talk David Lurie - 25th October 2017
Waterstones Bookshop, Aberdeen"MRI scanning: a magnetic window to the body":
(Note - FFC-MRI part starts at 37 minutes.)
Question and Answer Session:
Radio Interview 24th October 2017
On 24th October 2017, David was interviewed about MRI and FFC-MRI on the "Talking Science " programme on SHMU-FM (Aberdeen local radio).
European Researchers' Night Explorathon - Aberdeen Science Centre
29th September 2017
University of Torino
The Aberdeen FFC team presented FFC-MRI and IDentIFY to the general public at this annual festival of Science and Arts.
David Lurie giving a public lecture on MRI and FFC-MRI, entitled "The Hidden World of MRI James Ross with the team's stand at the festival's Hall of Mayhem, ready to tell visitors about IDentIFY and FFC-MRI.