Beowulf for beginners

The Messenger

wiglaf sent one of the warriors as a messenger to tell the Geatish people what had happened. When the Messenger gave them the news, they cried many tears for the lord who had treated them so well. The Messenger said:

The messenger bringing bad news 'Each night the dragon will come snaking through the air above us. We must live in fear of its flames. When our enemies hear our lord is dead and that not one man among the Geats dared to defend him, they will soon attack us. The Franks and Frisians would like to finish the war that Hygelac started. The Swedes are only waiting for a chance to trouble us again. Beowulf was too strong for them, and so we had peace for many years. Now it will be different. Mothers and fathers will weep again for their dead children. The black raven, the wolf and the eagle will find a feast on the battlefield. The Geats will be a people wandering without a homeland once our enemies come in upon us.'

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