- Course Code
- EG 2559
- Credit Points
- 15
- Course Coordinator
- Dr P F A MacConnell
This course begins by giving an overview of electromechanical systems. This is followed by the transient and AC analysis of passive electrical circuits. The use of power factor correction to improve efficiency is developed from the analysis of the AC circuits. An explanation of magnetic circuits and electromagnetism is given. This leads to the development of transformers, their equivalent circuit representation and the practicalities which affect their operation. Open and short-circuit tests which can characterise transformer parameters are developed.
An introduction is made to the steady state characteristics of DC machines. The matching of loads to motors by using geared drives will be approached both analytically and graphically with emphasis being given to the practicalities of gearbox design. Open and closed loop speed controls will be developed for a DC machine which highlight the practical issues to be considered when running such machines.
In the final part of the course, the concept of mechanical vibration will be developed through the free and forced vibration of systems, (both undamped and damped). The similarity between the behaviour of these mechanical systems and the electrical systems in the first part of the course will be emphasised by reference to the mathematical models by which each are described.
3 one-hour lectures and 1 one-hour tutorial per week.
1 two-hour written examination paper (80%) and in-course assessment (20%).