Research practice and integrity are essential components of the scientific process. We are here to help you make sure your research is conducted ethically, transparently, and with the highest standards.
Below you can find various resources, services, and tools to help you enhance your research practice and make sure your research is ethical and responsible.
- Live Courses
Go to the A-Z Course List to find further information including how to book.
- Academic Integrity and how to avoid plagiarism in your PhD Thesis
- Analysing Qualitative Data: Introduction to NVivo
- Introduction to LaTeX
- Online Resources
For online resources, please go to the Online Resources Access page (University of Aberdeen students only)
Navigating Peer Review
A guide to the peer review process, for both authors and reviewers.
Format: Written Guide.
Introduction to Academic Publishing (STEM subjects)
Publishing is a key part of the research process and it is the main way that researchers disseminate their work in academia. Understanding scholarly publishing, how it works and what is expected of authors can help you to navigate the publishing process effectively.
Format: Written Guide
Your Digital Footprint
A guide to building your online presence.
Format: Written Guide
How to use Mendeley
How to use Mendeley reference manager.
Format: Video Presentation.
How to use Mendeley Together with LaTeX
How to use Mendeley Referencing Management together with LaTeX.
Format: Video Presentation
Using Referencing Software with Microsoft Word in Essay Writing
Using referencing software with Microsoft Word in essay writing and the advantages.
Format: Video Presentation.
NVivo and Coding
Using NVivo for analysing qualitative data and further reading on NVivo.
Format: Written Guide
Introduction to R
A practical introduction to R course.
Format: Online Course
Percipio Online Learning
Percipio is an immersive learning platform, covering Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat, Photoshop and more!
Format: Video Presentation and Written Guide
Learn new digital skills, understand how to use University software, discover useful apps and explore University services.
Format: Video Presentations and Written Guides.
- Digital and Information Services
Develop your digital and scholarly research skills with the training and resources provided by the Digital and Information Services Team.
Their workshop series covers key skills, including searching academic and grey literature using databases and search engines, reference management, creating academic posters, managing copyright in publications, and using digital tools for tasks such as note taking or managing long documents.
The workshops are available with in-person and online learning options.
See the full programme and book your place via the Course Booking system.
You can find further information, including guides and recordings on MyAberdeen: go to Courses, search for My PGR and select Library and Information Seeking.
You can also request 1-1 help and advice whenever you need it: email
- Research Ethics, Governance and Integrity
Improve your essential knowledge of ethical research practice by exploring the support available from the Research Policy & Strategy team.
The University Research Governance webpages will provide you with a wealth of useful information. This includes the University's Research Governance Handbook which provides an overview of our research governance framework, including the key policies and procedures you need to be aware of as a researcher.
Guidance on whether your proposed research activity requires ethical approval can also be found here.
The webpages for the University's Ethics Boards will provide you with further guidance on the remit and operation of each board, and any additional guidance required in terms of the ethics submission process.
If you need to apply for ethical approval for your proposed project, the Worktribe Ethics webpages will provide you with further advice on the application process, including training videos, FAQs and detailed guidance on how to approach the question sets within the application form.
In addition to the webpage guidance, we regularly offer online ResearchBites sessions on topics such as 'Introduction to Research Ethics', 'Introduction to the Worktribe Ethics Application Process', 'Safeguarding in Research' and 'The Nagoya Protocol'.
You are also very welcome to join one of our PGR clinics, where you can discuss ethical issues arising from your research project, and any other related research integrity issues.
You can find further information on the ResearchBites and PGR Clinics and book your place via the Course Booking system.
You can also request 1-1 assistance and advice by emailing