MA (Aberd), LLB, Dip LP (Edin)
Senior Lecturer
- About
- Email Address
- s.c.styles@abdn.ac.uk
- Telephone Number
- +44 (0)1224 272432
- Office Address
Taylor Building, Room D47
- School/Department
- School of Law
Mr Styles joined the Faculty after holding lectureships in Private Law in the universities of Edinburgh and Dundee. His interests are Jurisprudence, Commercial Law, Oil and Gas Law, and the Scottish Legal Tradition. He was formerly the assistant editor of Daintith and Willoughby's United Kingdom Oil and Gas Law and is still one of its contibuting authors. His published research has appeared in the following journals: Oxford Journal of Legal Studies; Juridical Review; Journal of the Law Society of Scotland; and Scots Law Times. He contributed the chapter on 'Liferent and Fee' in the Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia of the Laws of Scotland and is uthor of the entires on the Judiciary, Churhc and State and the Scottish Executive. He has a wide range of resecah intersts including contract law, oil and gas law, securities, medical ethics and the role of the judiciary.
- Teaching
Teaching Responsibilities
Scott Styles is course co-ordinator for the following courses.
Contract LS1520
Introduction to German Law LS2513
Honours Contract Law LS4069
Honours Law and Medical Ethics LS4553/LX4553
Scott Styles also contributes to the teaching of Oil and Gas Law at Honours and Masters level
- Publications
Page 1 of 5 Results 1 to 10 of 42
Consultation on the Implementation of the New Subscription Contracts Regime - Response by the Centre for Commercial Law and the Centre for Scots Law at the University of Aberdeen
Other Contributions: Other ContributionsConsultation on Tenement Law: Compulsory Owners' Associations: Response by the Centre for Scots Law at the University of Aberdeen
University of Aberdeen: School of Law.Other Contributions: Other ContributionsResponse to Scottish Law Commission Consultation on Eleventh Programme of Law Reform
University of Aberdeen: School of Law.Other Contributions: Other ContributionsContracts and Coronavirus Part 2: frustration of leases on grounds of illegality in Scotland and England
Scots Law Times, vol. 2020, no. 18, pp. 109-114Contributions to Journals: ArticlesContracts and Coronavirus Part 1: principles of frustration
Scots Law Times, vol. 2020, no. 17, pp. 99-108Contributions to Journals: ArticlesAn Academic Portrait of J.M. Thomson: Teacher, Scholar and Connoisseur
Juridical Review, vol. 1, pp. 2-17Contributions to Journals: ArticlesJoint Operating Agreements
UK Oil and Gas Law: Current Practice and Emerging Trends: Volume II Commercial and Contract law issues. Gordon, G., Paterson, J., Üșenmez, E. (eds.). 3 edition. Edinburgh University Press, pp. 15-73Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: ChaptersScottish Marine Insurance before the Mid-Eighteenth Century
Continuity, Change and Pragmatism in the Law: Essays in Memory of Professor Angelo Forte. Simpson, A. R. C., Styles, S. C., West, E., Wilson, A. L. M. (eds.). Aberdeen University Press, pp. 237-279, 43 pagesChapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: ChaptersContinuity, Change and Pragmatism in the Law: Essays in Memory of Professor Angelo Forte
Aberdeen University Press, AberdeenBooks and Reports: BooksMACCORMICK'S SCOTLAND. Ed Neil Walker
Edinburgh Law Review, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 431-434Contributions to Journals: Reviews of Books, Films and Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.3366/elr.2013.0174