Lic. MSc. PhD.
Advanced Research Fellow
- About
- Email Address
- r.a.hernandez@abdn.ac.uk
- Telephone Number
- +44 (0)1224 437190
- School/Department
- School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition
Rodolfo joined HERU in 2002 after completing an MSc in Health Economics (University of York). In addition, he has a first degree in economics (UNLP, Argentina). Between 2008 and 2013 Rodolfo was a RCUK Research Fellow holding a joint post between HERU and the Health Services Research Unit (HSRU). In 2016 he completed a part-time PhD looking at how to use discrete choice experiment-generated willingness-to-pay measures within decision analytic models using the monitoring of individuals with ocular hypertension at risk of developing glaucoma as a case study. Rodolfo has vast experience in economic evaluation alongside RCTs (e.g., HEALTH, PUrE, C-GALL), ophthalmology related projects (e.g., I-TRAC, GRIP), and Health Technology Assessments.
- Publications
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Beyond the Diagnosis: Valuing Genome-Wide Sequencing for Rare Disease Diagnosis Using Contingent Valuation
Applied Health Economics and Health PolicyContributions to Journals: ArticlesThe PUrE Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) 1:: Clinical and cost-effectiveness of Flexible Ureterorenoscopy and Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy for lower pole stones ≤10mm.
European UrologyContributions to Journals: ArticlesUpdated Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy, Flexible Ureterenoscopy, and Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy for Lower Pole Renal Stones
European UrologyContributions to Journals: ArticlesLaparoscopic cholecystectomy versus conservative management for uncomplicated symptomatic gallstones: economic evaluation based on the C-GALL trial
British Journal of SurgeryContributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/bjs/znae293
Should Scotland Provide Genome-Wide Sequencing for the Diagnosis of Rare Developmental Disorders?: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
European Journal of Health EconomicsContributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10198-024-01717-8
- [ONLINE] View publication in Scopus
Cost-effectiveness of monitoring ocular hypertension based on a risk prediction tool
BMJ open ophthalmology, vol. 9, no. 1, e001741Contributions to Journals: ArticlesFeasibility of in-home monitoring for people with glaucoma: the I-TRAC mixed-methods study
Health technology assessment (Winchester, England), vol. 28, no. 44, pp. 1-163Contributions to Journals: ArticlesThe effects and safety of testosterone replacement therapy for men with hypogonadism: The TestES evidence synthesis and economic evaluation
Health Technology Assessment, vol. 28, no. 43Contributions to Journals: ArticlesLaparoscopic cholecystectomy versus conservative management for adults with uncomplicated symptomatic gallstones: the C-GALL RCT
Health Technology Assessment, vol. 28, no. 26, pp. 1-151Contributions to Journals: ArticlesCost-effectiveness of testosterone treatment utilising individual patient data from randomised controlled trials in men with low testosterone levels
Andrology, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 477-486Contributions to Journals: Articles