Chair in The Anthropology of the North
- About
- Email Address
- david.anderson@abdn.ac.uk
- Telephone Number
- +44 (0)1224 272772
- Office Address
G5 Edward Wright Building
University of Aberdeen
AB24 4QY
Scotland- School/Department
- School of Social Science
Memberships and Affiliations
- Internal Memberships
University Duties
- 2010-2012 Steering Committee, Indigenous Masters Prog, Univ of Tromsø
- 2007-2009 Senator, University of Aberdeen
- 2007-2009 Vice President, Aberdeen branch of University and Colleges Union
- 2009 School of Social Sciences working party on academic workload modelling
- 2007-2008 AUCU representative, Working Party on Promotion Regulations
- 2007-2008 AUCU representative, Joint [Union and University] Negotiating Committee
- 2003-2007 Member, Executive Committee Aberdeen branch of University and Colleges Union
- 2007 Dep’t representative, School of Social Sciences Executive Committee
- 2005 Member, Special School of Social Sciences Committee on Undergraduate Assessment
- 2005 Member, College of Arts and Social Sciences Committee on Teaching and Learning
- 2005 Alternate Member, College of Arts and Social Sciences Committee on Research
Departmental Duties
- 2009 Exams Officer, Department of Anthropology, University of Aberdeen
- 2007-2008 Head of Department, Department of Anthropology, University of Aberdeen (rotating duty)
- 2002-2005 Exams Officer, Department of Anthropology, University of Aberdeen
- 2001-2004 Post-Graduate Student Admissions Officer, Anthropology, University of Aberdeen
- 2000-2005 Undergraduate Student Honours Adviser of Studies, Anthropology, University of Aberdeen
- 2000-2003 Undergraduate Student Honours Adviser of Studies, Sociology, University of Aberdeen
- 2000-2004 Library Officer, Department of Anthropology, University of Aberdeen
Selection Committees
- 2010 Chair, PhD Stipendiat Search Committee, University of Tromsø8
- 2007 Chair, PhD Stipendiat Search Committee, University of Tromsø
- 2006 Chair, PhD Fellowship Search Committee, University of Aberdeen
- 2005 Chair, Postdoctoral Fellowship Search Committee, University of Aberdeen
- 2005 Member, two Lecturer Search Committees, University of Aberdeen
- 2004 Chair, PhD Fellowship Search Committee, University of Aberdeen
- 2004 Member, Lecturer Search Committee, University of Aberdeen
- 2004 Member, Postdoctoral Fellowship Search Committee, University of Aberdeen
- 2002 Member, Lecturer Search Committee, University of Aberdeen
- 1999 Member, Assistant Professor Search Committee, University of Alberta
- External Memberships
- 2007-2010 External Examiner, Tripos Part II, Department of Social Anthropology, Univ of Cambridge
- 2007-2009 External Committee Member, SSHRCC Standard Research Grant Committee, Canada
- 2004-2006 External Examiner, MPhil in Polar Studies, University of Cambridge
- Research
Research Overview
political ecology, human-animal relations, development theory, political anthropology, landscape studies, ethnohistory, archaeology, the history of science and cross-cultural ideas of health.
Current Research
Research Areas: Central and Eastern Siberia (Taimyr, Evenkiia, Pribaikal’e, Zabaikal’e, Iakutiia) and the Russian North (Kola, Arkhangel’sk), Northern Norway, and Northwestern Canada (Gwich’in Settlement Region)
Funding and Grants
Current projects
2012-2017 European Research Council Advanced Researcher Grant: Arctic Domus
(total budget €2,497,830 over 5 years)This major research grant aims to develop a new theory of human animal relationships in the circumpolar North based on field and laboratory research in the Canadian, Scandinavian, Alaskan, and Russian Arctic and made up of a team of ten researchers and six cooperating laboratories.
http://arcticdomus.org2011-2013 Wenner Gren Foundation International Collaborative Research Grant
(total budget USD $29,500 over two years)This project, held with the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology in St. Petersburg with Dr. Dmitrii Arziutov, aims to document the history of etnos theory with special reference to Siberian indigenous people through directed interviews and the digitisation of primary archival material.http://www.wennergren.org/grantees/anderson-david-gPast projects
2006-2010 European Science Foundation BOREAS network grant
(total budget of €1,814,000 over three years involving 5 national funding councils)This international network grant is designed to study the vernacular architecture, historical demography and household archaeology of circumpolar hunters over three years. It involves fieldwork in 4 countries and involves researchers based in Norway, USA, Canada, Sweden and Finland. The project involves co-ordinating the activities of 10 co-investigators and 35 project members, and directly managing the work with one post-doctoral fellow, one PhD student, and two contracted workers.
http://site/uit.no/boreas2006-2010 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
(total budget of £110,000 over five years)Prof. Anderson was the 'Ethnoarchaeological Module Leader' for an international MCRI research initiative to investigate the habitation sites and settlement architecture of Evenki, Buriat and Yakut communities in the Lake Baikal Area of Siberia. The component involves ethnohistorical research, historical demographic research, and ethnoarchaeological fieldwork. The project involves co-ordinating the work of 6 contracted archival researchers based in Russia, 3 ethnoarchaeological researchers, and 2 technicians based in Aberdeen.
http://bap.arts.ualberta.ca/about/ethnographic.php?lang=en2008-2009 Economic and Social Research Council (UK)
(total budget £38,000 over two years)In collaboration with Dr. Nicholas Ellison, this project documented the performance of indigeneity in North America and Eurasia, with an international seminar on the topic in9-10 June 2009.
http://esrc.ac.uk/my-esrc/grants/RES-000-22-2883/read2005-2008 Norwegian Research Council, Norway
(total budget of £172,500 over three years)This project is aimed at the recover, digitisation, and interpretation of archival documents from the 1926/27 Polar Census for Western Siberia and the Russian North. It involves one post-doctoral researcher and seven contracted scholars across Russia. This grant also covers 18 months research time release.
http://www.forskningsradet.no/servlet/Satellite?c=Prosjekt&cid=1193731601887&pagename=ForskningsradetNorsk/Hovedsidemal&p=11817303342332005-2007 The British Library Endangered Archives Programme, UK
(total budget of £ 42,000 over one and a half years)This project is designed to research, digitise, and preserve several collections of glass plate negatives of aboriginal people in Siberia in three collections in Central Siberia. The grant covers the employment of two Russian researchers, two PhD students, and equipment.
http://www.bl.uk/about/policies/endangeredarch/anderson.html2003-2008 Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK
(total budget £147,000 over four years)This project is aimed at a review of how archives in Russia and the former Soviet Union serve as an essential part of social memory. The project involves a post-doctoral research fellow and a four contracted Russian scholars.
http://www.ahrc.ac.uk/Funded-Research/Pages/Aboriginal-Land-Rights-in-Siberia-Archival-and-Living-Transcript-at-Lake-Baikal.aspx - Publications
Page 5 of 9 Results 101 to 125 of 206
The Analysis and Interpretation of Photographic Collections
Contributions to Conferences: PapersArctic Domestication and the Ethnography of Siberia: Keynote Address
Contributions to Conferences: PapersArctic Domestication: Humans and Animals across the North
Contributions to Conferences: PapersRANGIFER DOMUS: Seminar in Severobaikalsk, July 6–9, 2012
Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 155-156Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aeae.2014.03.020
About the Hearth: Perspectives on the Home, Hearth and Household in the Circumpolar North
Berghahn Books, New York. 324 pagesBooks and Reports: BooksDesigner Environments in the Circumpolar North
Contributions to Conferences: PapersHome, Hearth and Household in the Circumpolar North
About the Hearth: Perspectives on the Home, Hearth, and Household in the Circumpolar North. Anderson, D., Wishart, R., Vate, V. (eds.). Berghahn Books, pp. 262-282, 40 pagesChapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters (Peer-Reviewed)The Hearth, the Home, And the Homeland: An Integrated Strategy For Memory Storage In Circumpolar Households
About the Hearth: Perspectives on the Home, Hearth, and Household in the Circumpolar North. Anderson, D., Wishart, R., Vate, V. (eds.). Berghahn Books, pp. 223-248, 25 pagesChapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters (Peer-Reviewed)First Contact as Real Contact: The 1926/27 Soviet Polar Census Expedition to Turukhansk Territory
Recreating First Contact: Expeditions, Anthropology and Popular Culture. Bell, J. A., Brown, A. K., Gordon, R. J. (eds.). Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 72-89, 18 pagesChapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters (Peer-Reviewed)Arctic domestication over time and space
Contributions to Conferences: Papers- [ONLINE] http://www.trippus.se/eventus/eventus_cat.asp?EventusCat_ID=31527&Lang=eng&c=55567855676150492F39636F513054397965434E75505448634147352F42725752784978744D6E68554330312F6D763063383270756130636C67445233393562
- [OPEN ACCESS] http://aura.abdn.ac.uk/bitstream/2164/2949/1/Anderson_Understanding_North_Ume_.pptx
Practice and Habitus in the works of S.M. Shirokogoroff
Contributions to Conferences: PapersEtnos and Minzu: The Histories and Politics of Identity Governance in Eurasia
Contributions to Conferences: PapersLeverhulme international network grant on Etnos and Minzu theory
Contributions to Conferences: PapersArctic domestication and the meaning of ‘wild’ and ‘tame’
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Conference ProceedingsMetropolitan Ethnography: Rural Imaginaries in the Age of Urban Academies
Contributions to Conferences: Papers- [ONLINE] http://iea-ras.ru/index.php?go=Files&in=view&id=43
- [OPEN ACCESS] http://aura.abdn.ac.uk/bitstream/2164/3250/2/Metropolitan_Ethnography_Draft_1.docx
- [OPEN ACCESS] http://aura.abdn.ac.uk/bitstream/2164/3250/1/Metropolitan_Ethnography_30.06.2013.pptx
- [OPEN ACCESS] http://aura.abdn.ac.uk/bitstream/2164/3250/3/Anderson_Stolichnaia_Etnografiia.rtf
Circumpolarity: Human-Animal Relationships in the Circumpolar North
Contributions to Conferences: PapersEtnos in the life-history of Soviet and Russian anthropology
Contributions to Conferences: PapersOfficial Opening of Arctic Domus Project
Contributions to Conferences: PapersArctic Domestication: Welcome to Arctic Domus
Contributions to Conferences: PapersIdentity, Domestication, and Family Structure in the Siberian Arctic 1926-1927: Panel - Inter-cultural dimensions of demographic and familial behaviour
Contributions to Conferences: PapersVegetation and Climate Changes in the Bolshoe Inyaptukskoe Lake Basin (North Baikal Plateau) in the Middle and Late Holocene
Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 2-11Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aeae.2012.11.002
Introduction: Markers of Reindeer Husbandry Methodological Seminar
Contributions to Conferences: PapersBook Review of “Gustavo Lins Ribiero and Arturo Escobar, eds. World Anthropologies: Disciplinary Transformations within Systems of Power"
Sibirica : Interdisciplinary Journal of Siberian Studies, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 76-77Contributions to Journals: Reviews of Books, Films and Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.3167/sib.2012.110204
Book Review of “Kuklick, Henrika, ed A New History of Anthropology"
Sibirica : Interdisciplinary Journal of Siberian Studies, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 84-86Contributions to Journals: Reviews of Books, Films and Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.3167/sib.2012.110204
Comment on J.Knight 'The Anonymity of the Hunt'
Current Anthropology, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 345-346Contributions to Journals: Comments and Debates