Dr Christopher McNeil

Dr Christopher McNeil
Dr Christopher McNeil
Dr Christopher McNeil

Research Fellow

Email Address
Telephone Number
+44 (0)1224 438353
Office Address
F04 Lilian Sutton Building University of Aberdeen Foresterhill
School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition

Research Overview

Brain Aging, imaging of subclinical and clinical brain abnormalities, the causes and consequences of cerebrovascular disease, nutrition and the brain, developmental programming of the brain.


Page 5 of 5 Results 41 to 50 of 50

  • Nutritional B vitamin deficiency disrupts lipid metabolism causing accumulation of proatherogenic lipoproteins in the aorta adventitia of ApoE null mice

    McNeil, C. J., Beattie, J. H., Gordon, M., Pirie, L. P., Duthie, S. J.
    Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, vol. 56, no. 7, pp. 1122-1130
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Brain lesions, hypertension and cognitive aging in the 1921 and 1936 Aberdeen birth cohorts

    Murray, A. D., Staff, R. T., McNeil, C. J., Salarirad, S., Starr, J. M., Deary, I. J., Whalley, L. J.
    Age, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 451-459
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • The balance between cognitive reserve and brain imaging biomarkers of cerebrovascular and Alzheimer's diseases

    Murray, A. D., Staff, R. T., McNeil, C. J., Salarirad, S., Ahearn, T. S., Mustafa, N., Whalley, L. J.
    Brain, vol. 134, no. 12, pp. 3687-3696
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Differential effects of nutritional folic acid deficiency and moderate hyperhomocysteinemia on aortic plaque formation and genome-wide DNA methylation in vascular tissue from ApoE -/- mice

    McNeil, C. J., Beattie, J. H., Gordon, M. .., Pirie, L. P., Duthie, S. J.
    Clinical Epigenetics, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 361-368
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Maternal diets deficient in folic acid and related methyl donors modify mechanisms associated with lipid metabolism in the fetal liver of the rat

    McNeil, C. J., Hay, S. M., Rucklidge, G. J., Reid, M. D., Duncan, G. J., Rees, W. D.
    British Journal of Nutrition, vol. 102, no. 10, pp. 1445-1452
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Gene and protein expression profiles in the foetal liver of the pregnant rat fed a low protein diet

    McNeil, C. J., Hay, S. M., Rucklidge, G. J., Reid, M. D., Duncan, G. J., Rees, W. D.
    Genes & Nutrition, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 189-194
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Disruption of lipid metabolism in the liver of the pregnant rat fed folate-deficient and methyl donor-deficient diets

    McNeil, C. J., Hay, S., Rucklidge, G. J., Reid, M. D., Duncan, G. J., Maloney, C. A., Rees, W.
    British Journal of Nutrition, vol. 99, no. 2, pp. 262-271
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Within-litter variation in pig conceptus size and cortisol status on days 20–24

    McNeil, C. J., Jones, H. N., McArdle, H. J., Page, K. R., Ashworth, C. J.
    Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol. 42, no. S2, pp. 76
    Contributions to Journals: Abstracts
  • Glucocorticoid exposure and tissue gene expression of 11beta HSD-1, 11beta HSD-2 and glucocorticoid receptor in a porcine model of differential fetal growth

    McNeil, C. J., Nwagwu, M. O., Finch, A. M., Page, K. R., Thain, A., McArdle, H. J., Ashworth, C. J.
    Reproduction, vol. 133, no. 3, pp. 653-661
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • The effect of fetal pig size and stage of gestation on tissue fatty acid metabolism and profile

    McNeil, C. J., Finch, A. M., Page, K. R., Clarke, S. D., Ashworth, C. J., McArdle, H. J.
    Reproduction, vol. 129, pp. 757-763
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
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