Uses of Class

Packages that use SymbolType
standup.clouds This package provides the implementation for the STANDUP user interface. 
standup.lexicon This package provides classes and interfaces that handle access and manipulation of the STANDUP lexicon. 
standup.symbol Provides classes and interfaces that handle loading and rendering of the various AAC/literacy symbol sets, e.g. 

Uses of SymbolType in standup.clouds

Fields in standup.clouds declared as SymbolType
(package private) static SymbolType[]
private  SymbolType[] OptionsCloudFrontend.symbolSet

Methods in standup.clouds that return SymbolType
 SymbolType[] OptionsCloudFrontend.getSymbolSet()
private static SymbolType[] OptionsCloudFrontend.parseSymbolSet(Element ssEl)

Methods in standup.clouds with parameters of type SymbolType
private  List<CloudLabelSegment> CloudLabel.getBubbleLabelSegment(WordStruct _ws, SymbolType[] _st)
          Returns a BubbleLabelSegment for a WordStruct
 void OptionsCloudFrontend.setSymbolSet(SymbolType[] s)
(package private) static void CloudLabelFactory.setSymbolSet(SymbolType[] _ss)

Constructors in standup.clouds with parameters of type SymbolType
CloudLabel(JokeStructure joke, CloudLabelJokeDisplay jd, SymbolType[] _st)
          BubbleLabel for a JokeStructure.
CloudLabel(JokeStructure joke, SymbolType[] _st)
          Default BubbleLabel for a JokeStructure, which just shows the question.
CloudLabel(String prefix, Lexeme lex, SymbolType[] _st, Color c)
CloudLabel(String prefix, Topic topic, SymbolType[] _st, Color c)
CloudLabelSegment(LexemeSet ls, String prefix, SymbolType[] _st, Color c)
          this constructs a BubbleLabelSegment for a LexemeSet which contains DIFFERENT SENSES OF THE SAME WORDFORM!!! It displays the orthography of the wordform, with the different symbols associated with it above.
CloudLabelSegment(Lexeme _l, SymbolType[] _st, Color c)
          Returns a BubbleLabelSegment for a Lexeme which should have an image on top of it (according to preference listen in _st).
CloudLabelSegment(String t, String realConceptCode, SymbolType[] symbolSet, boolean isTelegraphic)
          Returns a message-based CloudLabelSegment for a String of text, with a symbol above it that represents the Widgit conceptcode specified by the given realConceptCode and symbolSet.
CloudLabelSegment(Topic _l, SymbolType[] _st, Color c)
          Returns a BubbleLabelSegment for a Lexeme which should have an image on top of it (according to preference listen in _st).
OptionsCloudFrontend(boolean getJokeMode, boolean getJokeByTopicMode, boolean getJokeByWordMode, boolean getJokeByTypeMode, boolean getWordByTopicMode, boolean getWordByAlphabetMode, boolean getWordBySpellingMode, boolean textInput, PointingMethod pointingMethod, SymbolSupport symbolSupport, SymbolType[] symbolSet, LexemePictureFilter lexemePictureFilter, boolean speakOptionsWhenFocussed, boolean speakOptionsWhenSelected, boolean speakMessages, boolean speakJokesOnDisplay, boolean speakJokesOnRequest, boolean chooseSpecificLexemes, int menuAnimationStaggerOffset, boolean messageFirstThenMenu, boolean spellWordClustered, boolean showDefiniteWordsOnPeripheryAlready, boolean displayProgressMap, boolean displayMessageBarBelowMenu, int scannerInitialDelay, int scannerDelay, boolean enableLogging)
          Constructor method where options are supplied directly

Uses of SymbolType in standup.lexicon

Fields in standup.lexicon declared as SymbolType
private  SymbolType[] Topic.cachedSymbolSet
private  SymbolType[] Lexeme.cachedSymbolSet

Methods in standup.lexicon with parameters of type SymbolType
 List<String> Topic.getImageFile(SymbolType[] symbolSet)
          This method returns the path and filename for the symbol representing this Topic, if one has been specified.
 List<String> Lexeme.getImageFile(SymbolType[] symbolSet)

Uses of SymbolType in standup.symbol

Methods in standup.symbol that return SymbolType
static SymbolType SymbolType.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static SymbolType[] SymbolType.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.

Methods in standup.symbol with parameters of type SymbolType
private static List<String> SymbolManager.getSymbolFilenames(String[] imgFiles, SymbolType[] symbolSet)
          Given a list of symbol filenames and a SymbolType[] indicating a preference for symbol sets, returns an ordered (sub)list of the symbol filenames according to the preference.
static List<String> SymbolManager.getSymbolFilenames(String realConceptCode, SymbolType[] symbolSet)
          Given a 'real' Widgit conceptcode, and a SymbolType[] indicating a preference for symbol sets, returns a list of symbol filenames that are ordered by preference.

Constructors in standup.symbol with parameters of type SymbolType
SymbolFilenameComparator(SymbolType[] symbolSetPreference)
          Constructor that provides the preference for symbol sets.