Uses of Class

Packages that use Topic
standup.clouds This package provides the implementation for the STANDUP user interface. 
standup.joke This package provides joke generation functionality and all its related data structures. 
standup.lexicon This package provides classes and interfaces that handle access and manipulation of the STANDUP lexicon. 

Uses of Topic in standup.clouds

Fields in standup.clouds declared as Topic
protected  Topic CloudButtonTopic.topic
private  Topic CloudButtonOldJokesTopic.topic
private  Topic CloudButtonNewJokeTopic.topic

Methods in standup.clouds that return Topic
 Topic CloudButtonTopic.getTopic()

Methods in standup.clouds with parameters of type Topic
static CloudLabel CloudLabelFactory.getCloudLabel(Topic t)
static CloudLabel CloudLabelFactory.getCloudLabelSeeWordsAboutTopic(Topic t)
static CloudLabel CloudLabelFactory.getHelp06(Topic topic)
static CloudLabel CloudLabelFactory.getHelp12(Topic topic)
static CloudLabel CloudLabelFactory.getHelp13(Topic topic)
static CloudLabel CloudLabelFactory.getHelp14(Topic topic)
static CloudLabel CloudLabelFactory.getModifier(Topic topic)
(package private)  CloudButton CloudButtonTopicWordChooser.getSubTopicLubble(CloudLabel bl, CloudLabel _msgp, Topic t)
(package private)  CloudButton CloudButtonTopic.getSubTopicLubble(CloudLabel bl, CloudLabel _msgp, Topic t)

Constructors in standup.clouds with parameters of type Topic
CloudButtonJokeGetter(CloudFrontend f, CloudButton p, Topic t, CloudLabel bl)
          Constructor for topic-based JokeGetter
CloudButtonNewJokeTopic(CloudFrontend f, CloudButton p, CloudLabel bl, Topic t)
          Constructore for getting a new joke -- by topic
CloudButtonOldJokesTopic(CloudFrontend f, CloudButton p, CloudLabel bl, Topic t)
CloudButtonTopic(CloudFrontend f, CloudButton _parent, CloudLabel bl, CloudLabel _messagePrefix, CloudLabel help, Topic t)
CloudButtonTopicWordChooser(CloudFrontend f, CloudButton p, CloudLabel bl, CloudLabel msgPrefix, CloudLabel help, Topic t)
CloudLabel(String prefix, Topic topic, SymbolType[] _st, Color c)
CloudLabelSegment(Topic _l, SymbolType[] _st, Color c)
          Returns a BubbleLabelSegment for a Lexeme which should have an image on top of it (according to preference listen in _st).

Uses of Topic in standup.joke

Methods in standup.joke that return Topic
 Topic Backend.getRootTopic()
          Currently returns the first found root topic as specified by LexicalComponents#getRootTopicLabels().

Methods in standup.joke with parameters of type Topic
 boolean JokeStructure.about(Topic t)
 JokeStructure Backend.getNewJoke(Topic t)
          Attempts to generate a new joke that satisfies the current user profile's constraints and uses at least one Lexeme 'about' the given Topic in its answer.
 JokeSet Backend.getOldJokes(Topic t)
          Returns the subset of the current user's previously generated jokes that satisfy the current user profile's constraints and use at least one Lexeme 'about' the given Topic in their question or answer.

Uses of Topic in standup.lexicon

Fields in standup.lexicon declared as Topic
protected  Topic Topic.parent
          The parent of this Topic.

Fields in standup.lexicon with type parameters of type Topic
private  Hashtable<String,Topic> ProfileLexicon.roottopics
protected  Vector<Topic> Topic.subtopics
          A Vector of subtopics, each of which must also be a Topic.

Methods in standup.lexicon that return Topic
 Topic Topic.duplicate()
 Topic Topic.getParentTopic()
          Returns the parent of this Topic, or null if it's a root topic.
 Topic ProfileLexicon.getRootTopic(String label)
          Returns the root Topic with the given label.

Methods in standup.lexicon that return types with arguments of type Topic
 Iterator<Topic> Topic.getSubtopics()
          Returns an Iterator of all the subtopics of this Topic.

Methods in standup.lexicon with parameters of type Topic
 void Topic.addSubtopic(Topic t)
          Adds the given Topic to the list of subtopics.
 void ProfileLexicon.addTopic(Topic topic)
          Adds the given topic to this profile, and saves it to a file with the default name of <label>.topic (where label is the given topic's root label) in the directory returned by ProfileManager.getLexiconDirectory(String).
 void ProfileLexicon.addTopic(Topic topic, String filename)
          Adds the given topic to this profile, and saves it to a file with the given filename in the directory returned by ProfileManager.getLexiconDirectory(String).
private static void Topic.doTopicList(Topic t, Element topicListElement)
          Processes a Topic's list of subtopics from its XML Element.
 boolean Topic.isAncestorOf(Topic t)
          Returns true if this Topic is an ancestor of the given Topic, false otherwise.
 boolean Topic.isDescendantOf(Topic t)
          Returns true if this Topic is a descendant of the given Topic, false otherwise.
 void Topic.removeSubtopic(Topic t)
          Removes the given Topic from this Topic's list of subtopics.
 void ProfileLexicon.removeTopic(Topic topic, boolean deleteFileAsWell)
          Removes the given topic from this profile.

Constructors in standup.lexicon with parameters of type Topic
Topic(Topic parent, Element topicElement)
          Constructor that loads a Topic specified in the given XML Element.
Topic(Topic p, String l, String c)
          Constructor for creating a new Topic with parent p, label l, and conceptcode c.