Uses of Class

Packages that use Clause
standup.joke This package provides joke generation functionality and all its related data structures. 

Uses of Clause in standup.joke

Fields in standup.joke with type parameters of type Clause
private  List<Clause> Generator.clauses
          A List of all output specification function Clauses accessible to this Generator.

Methods in standup.joke that return types with arguments of type Clause
 List<Clause> Generator.getCompatibleClauses(Unifiable func, int arity)
          Returns a list of Clauses that are 'compatible' with the given functor and arity, i.e they share the same functor and arity.
private static List<Clause> Generator.readClauses(String filename)
          Reads the output specification function clauses definitions from the given file and returns the resulting list<Clause>.

Methods in standup.joke with parameters of type Clause
 String InstantiationConstraintLexiconAllSchema.getSQLConstraint(Clause s)
 String InstantiationConstraintPhoneticSimilarity.getSQLConstraint(Clause s, List<SQLSelectElement> taqlsses)
 String InstantiationConstraintNovelty.getSQLConstraint(Clause clause, List<SQLSelectElement> taqlsses)
 String InstantiationConstraintLexiconSchema.getSQLConstraint(Clause c, List<SQLSelectElement> taqlsses)
 String InstantiationConstraintLexiconNone.getSQLConstraint(Clause s, List<SQLSelectElement> taqlsses)
 String InstantiationConstraintLexiconAll.getSQLConstraint(Clause s, List<SQLSelectElement> taqlsses)
 String InstantiationConstraintLexicon.getSQLConstraint(Clause s, List<SQLSelectElement> taqlsses)
 String InstantiationConstraintLexemeSchema.getSQLConstraint(Clause s, List<SQLSelectElement> taqlsses)
 String InstantiationConstraintLexeme.getSQLConstraint(Clause s, List<SQLSelectElement> taqlsses)
 String InstantiationConstraintFamiliarityScore.getSQLConstraint(Clause s, List<SQLSelectElement> taqlsses)
 String InstantiationConstraintAmbiguity.getSQLConstraint(Clause s, List<SQLSelectElement> taqlsses)
 String InstantiationConstraint.getSQLConstraint(Clause clause, List<SQLSelectElement> taqlsses)
          Returns an SQL code snippet that is to be appended to the WHERE clause of the SQL query when instantiating the given Clause.
 void JokeGraph.update(Clause c, Bindings b)
          Updates this JokeGraph with nodes and edges arising from this output specification function clause instantiation

Method parameters in standup.joke with type arguments of type Clause
static List<List<Keyword>> Clause.getClauseInstantiationsCombined(List<Clause> clauses, UnifiableList input, InstantiationConstraint[] constraints)