Uses of Class

Packages that use CloudLabelSegment
standup.clouds This package provides the implementation for the STANDUP user interface. 

Uses of CloudLabelSegment in standup.clouds

Fields in standup.clouds with type parameters of type CloudLabelSegment
private  List<CloudLabelSegment> CloudLabel.segments

Methods in standup.clouds that return CloudLabelSegment
 CloudLabelSegment CloudLabelSegment.copy()
 CloudLabelSegment[] CloudLabel.getSegments()

Methods in standup.clouds that return types with arguments of type CloudLabelSegment
private  List<CloudLabelSegment> CloudLabel.getBubbleLabelSegment(WordStruct _ws, SymbolType[] _st)
          Returns a BubbleLabelSegment for a WordStruct

Methods in standup.clouds with parameters of type CloudLabelSegment
 void CloudLabel.addSegment(CloudLabelSegment segment)
 Object[] CloudLabel.getRectPCSTextOnALine(FontRenderContext frc, CloudLabelSegment[] segs, int wrappingWidth, int maxHeight, SymbolSupport symSupp, float fontSizeFirstGuess)
 Object[] CloudLabel.getRectPCSTextPerLine(FontRenderContext frc, CloudLabelSegment[] segs, int wrappingWidth, int maxHeight, SymbolSupport symSupp, float fontSizefirstGuess)
          Performs layout of given BubbleLabelSegments to fit in the space defined by wrappingWidth x maxHeight
private  Object[] CloudLabel.layoutBubbleLabelSegments(FontRenderContext frc, CloudLabelSegment[] segs, int boundingWidth, int boundingHeight, Font font, Font fontEmph, SymbolSupport symSupp, int imageWidthGap, int imageHeightGap)
          this is an improved algorithm: -it handles segments with multiple images -it no longer breaks a segment between lines! this really assumes that the segment lengths will be short enough w.r.t.
private  Object[] CloudLabel.layoutBubbleLabelSegmentsOnALine(FontRenderContext frc, CloudLabelSegment[] segs, int boundingWidth, int boundingHeight, Font font, Font fontEmph, SymbolSupport symSupp, int imageWidthGap, int imageHeightGap)

Method parameters in standup.clouds with type arguments of type CloudLabelSegment
private  void CloudLabel.capitalize(List<CloudLabelSegment> seg)

Constructors in standup.clouds with parameters of type CloudLabelSegment
CloudLabel(CloudLabelSegment seg)