STANDUP Riddle Generation API

STANDUP Riddle Generation API

(Last update to software/data: 31 March 2007; this page last edited: 7 June 2007)

This page contains information on the STANDUP riddle generation API. It is a JAVA .jar library that provides access to the joke generation functionality of the STANDUP system.



The files related to the API are as follows:



The main package relating to joke generation is the standup.joke package. See the package summary documentation here, and in particular, the package description here for a detailed overview of the various classes and interfaces.


Contents of .jar

The standup_jokegen_v1.4.1.jar file contains Java bytecode for the following packages (in some cases, subsets of the full packages, i.e. classes that are required for joke generation):

  • standup.authoring
  • standup.authoring.dbbuild
  • standup.authoring.familiarityscoring
  • standup.authoring.jokebuilder
  • standup.authoring.wordsets
  • standup.joke
  • standup.lexicon
  • standup.profiling
  • standup.sql
  • standup.symbol
  • standup.unify
  • standup.utils
  • standup.xml

Additionally, under standup/resources/, it contains various data files required for joke generation.


Additional Files

Although not formally required, the STANDUP joke generation API is designed to work together with the STANDUP SQL lexical database.

Certain functionality requires supplementary .jar files on the Java classpath, which can be downloaded from their respective webpages; e.g.:


Example Usage

The file is an example program that demonstrates how to use the joke generation API. To compile and run it, do the following:

javac.exe -cp standup_jokegen_v1.4.1.jar
java -Xms384m -Xmx384m -cp .;standup_jokegen_v1.4.1.jar TestJokeGen