Page 4 of 2531 to 40 of 241 Past Events
Natural products as a treasure trove against COVID-19
-Dr Mostafa Rateb, University of the West of Scotland COVID-19 is a recent pandemic that put all nations under a major panic, with many mortalities in 2020 and 2021. Although vaccine development was ongoing, finding treatment that affects the virus would be of great help to combat the viral mutation. Once...
Achieving collective action through explicit reasoning about expectations
-Abstract: This work studies the collective action problem: identifying and implementing mechanisms that allow members of a community to coordinate their actions in order to achieve a social, rather than individual, benefit. Rather than applying the traditional tools of game theory, we are investigating how maintaining explicit social knowledge encoded in...
Accelerating Research Software Understandability Through Knowledge Capture
-Research Software is key to understand, reproduce and reuse existing work in many disciplines, ranging from Geosciences to Astronomy or Artificial Intelligence. However, research software is usually difficult to find, reuse, compare and understand due to its disconnected documentation (dispersed in manuals, readme files, web sites, and code comments) and...
Decolonising science
-The phrase “decolonising the curriculum” very much seems like a buzzword, but what does it really mean? In particular, what does it mean for sciences? I intend to explore the background to “decolonising science”, address some of the issues that this raises, and look at some ideas which not only...
A Personal Perspective on Impact
-Most of our funders would like to see non-academic "impact" from the projects they support. In this talk, I'll give a personal perspective on impact, looking at both successes such as the Arria NLG spinout company and the simplenlg open-source package, and failures where expected impact did not materialise, such...
Representation Learning for Relational and Cross-Lingual Data
-Utilising real-world relational signals (e.g., structured knowledge) and understanding different languages are two (of the many) fundamental goals of Artificial General Intelligence. The corresponding explorations, however, have been relatively separate. In this talk, I will introduce our recent research outputs on bridging this gap: - We discovered the unnoticed connections between...
The challenge of adherence to digital healthcare - the case of ASICA
-Patient-directed digital healthcare delivery is becoming increasingly prominent and has received impetus from the recent COVID pandemic. Patient-directed digital healthcare is viewed positively by policy makers as a means to increase healthcare access, reduce costs and increase efficiency. Patient-directed digital healthcare also appears to be popular with certain patient groups....