Office Spaces for PGR Students

In this section
Office Spaces for PGR Students

The School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture only has a limited number of office spaces which are available for full-time, campus-based PGR students during their supervised period of study. To request an office space, please submit the request form below which will ask you to provide a reason for your need of a dedicated office space. You should note that, if you are allocated a space, this will usually be a space shared with other PGR students. A key deposit of £10 is required in order to secure your keys and will be returned to you when you return your keys to the school office.

It is important to note that while we endeavour to ensure you are allocated a personal office space during your supervised period of study, it cannot be guaranteed. Any student awaiting a personal office space will be added to a waiting list and have access to the School's dedicated PGR hotdesk office, until a personal office space becomes available.

We normally allocate office spaces to full-time PGR students during their supervised period of study only, therefore you will have to return your keys once you have completed this. We do not normally allocate office spaces to students in their "writing-up period". If you suspend your studies for 3 months or more, you will be required to return your keys and you may submit a new request upon your return to studies using the form below.

Office spaces will be allocated as they become available and pending approval from the School Director of PGR, based on the submission date of the form below.

Submit a Request

Terms and Conditions

I have been allocated by the above School, a space in room for study purposes. I agree that I will use this accommodation for the purposes and on the conditions stated below. I also agree to return the keys to the School Office. I understand that I may be asked by the School to vacate the space at a date earlier and if asked to do so, agree to vacate the room at a minimum of a week's notice.


  1. I agree that if asked by the School to vacate the room I will do so at short notice.
  2. I agree that I will not sub-let the space or pass it to any other student.
  3. My allocation is for study purposes only, and I agree that I will not take part in any activities incompatible with normal academic room use. (For instance, loud noise which could disturb others must be avoided).
  4. The use of any gas appliance is banned. Electrical equipment used must meet the standard defined in the University's Code of Practice on Electrical Appliances. Anyone who needs advice should contact
  5. For safety reasons, the use of supplementary heaters is banned. Anyone whose room is too cold to work in should contact
  6. If you discover a fault in your office space, you should report it using to the Estates Helpdesk here:
  7. In the event of a fire you must carry out the following in this order:
    1. Warn others by shouting FIRE, then sound the alarm by activating the nearest fire alarm call point.
    2. Only if there is no immediate danger to your own life, tackle the fire with a suitable fire extinguisher, if trained and confident to do so.
    3. Leave the building by the nearest exit and phone the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (999).
  8. Fire notices are posted at the entrance to each building. Please familiarise yourself with the content of these and the location of the building muster point.
  9. If you hear the fire alarm sound, you should calmly and immediately make your way to the building muster point.
  10. Eating or sleeping in office and teaching accommodation is contrary to building regulations. Rooms allocated for study are not to be used as living areas or for housing pets.
  11. Access to most University teaching and office buildings is available between 8am-6pm Monday to Friday, with swipe card access available until 11pm. If you require access outside of these times, you should contact the Security Office on 01224273327. University buildings will be closed during the winter vacation period.
  12. Wherever possible, office spaces should remain locked when unoccupied.
  13. You will be required to pay a deposit of £10 when your keys are issued and £10 will be refunded when keys are handed back. You will receive a receipt for your deposit. You are requested to retain this receipt for your own records.
  14. Keys must be returned in person to the School Office and in no circumstances sent by post.
  15. If you lose your keys, you must contact the School Office for a replacement and will be responsible for the cost of replacement keys to be cut.
  16. You must not personally make copies of your key(s) and you must not change the locks on the room you are allocated.
  17. The University undertakes normal cleaning services in all office accommodation, and reserves the right for its officers to enter rooms without notice at any time.
  18. You must keep your office space in a reasonable state of cleanliness.
  19. In the interests of collegiality, you should respect those with whom you share an office space. Any issues with arrangements, please contact in the first instance.
  20. You must acknowledge that the office space is only allocated during any remaining period of supervised study within your PhD studies (barring any suspensions of study).
  21. Please note that the office space allocation will not be carried over for any write up period or extension of study.
  22. Failure to abide by the conditions above, may result in loss of the space.

I have read the conditions above and agree to abide by them. I understand that if I break any of the conditions I may lose the space allocated.