
Open Research

The University of Aberdeen is committed to open research, ensuring there are no barriers to sharing knowledge.

Journal compliance with UKRI's OA policy is unclear

UKRI recommends that authors select a journal where the publisher has made its position on compliance with UKRI’s OA policy clear.

Authors can use PlanS journal checker tool to check journal compliance. If unclear, please contact to discuss the possible compliance routes for your preferred journal.

Problems with the licence statement

It may happen that a journal:

  1. rejects the licence statement
  2. asks the author to remove the licence statement
  3. asks the author to sign a contract which override the licence statement

in all the above cases the journal is asking the authors to breach their contract with UKRI. The University of Aberdeen Research Publications Policy supports Rights Retention. The author should contact the Open Research Team for advice

CC BY licence not offered by the journal

UKRI aims to maximise opportunity for sharing and reuse funded research result, hence requires CC BY licence to be applied to either green or gold open access outputs.

However, if necessary, authors can request an exception to use CC BY ND licence. Authors must apply directly to UKRI by using this form. Applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.