MyAberdeen is now delivered via Blackboard's new interface - Ultra Experience
MyAberdeen Ultra Experience has arrived, a little earlier than expected. The courses in MyAberdeen are unchanged and staff can now resume working within course areas as normal. Please check that any work recently completed on MyAberdeen is as expected and show some leeway if students encounter issues submitting work as a result of being less familiar with the new interface.
Ultra’s responsive design works better on mobile devices, and its simpler navigation will give you immediate access to core features such as courses, grades, and calendar, and make notifications and their settings more prominent.
Want to know more?
The eLearning team are hosting drop in sessions throughout August and September to give you an opportunity to familiarise yourself with the enhanced environment and ask any questions. Book online and reserve a space in the Course Booking system ( – filter by eLearning/MyAberdeen.
Watch our Overview video and find support guides in Toolkit’s MyAberdeen: Staff resource (
Need further support?
If you have any queries or concerns please contact elearning support (