Medical Humanities

Medical Humanities

During their six week Medical Humanities SSC third year MBChB students are encouraged to consider Medicine, Healthcare, Illness or Disability from an alternative perspective.

There is a wide range of options and project opportunities drawing on disciplines and interdisciplinary approaches across the University including;

  • Literature and Creative writing;
  • History of Medicine, Art and Anatomy;
  • Theology, Philosophy and Ethics;
  • Sociology, Anthropology and Global Health;
  • Fine Art, Music and Film;
  • Education and Psychology. 

It is also possible to study a variety of modern languages.

Courses are either taken alongside honours students from Humanities courses, or are bespoke courses designed specifically for medical students. Alternatively, students may opt to complete an individual project in an area of their own choosing.

We feel this course enriches students' personal lives as well as their educational experience, allowing for a greater understanding of patients' lives.  There are also opportunities for students to learn to communicate in a variety of media to different audiences, writing essays and reports even publishing papers, giving presentations some at conferences and gaining medical school and national prizes.

Many students find this very rewarding part of the course and all students gain additional skills and attributes as a result.   

For more information please visit the Medical Humanities SSC page: