
In this section

Developed by Professor Marian Wiercogroch .

Course aim: To inform postgraduate students and young members of academic staff on the effective methods of undertaking high quality research and effective disseminating results in high calibre outputs.
Course structure: The course is structured into a combination of lectures (4 hours) general tutorials (4 hours) and one to one tutorial on writing academic papers (8 hours), which is shown below

  1. 4 lectures on conducting research and academic writing
  2. 4 hours of supplementary tutorials to the lectures
  3. 8 hours of one to one interactions on writing papers with selected participants.

Course material: The course material is comprised of ppt presentations and some additional written materials, which will be distributed only to the course attendees. They are copyrights to this material and they should be copied or distributed without a permission from the course organiser.