Improved information sharing for the more intelligent use of Demand Responsive Transport: A UK booking Portal

This project will develop a web based management portal for the provision of Demand Responsive Transport (DRT), Community Transport (CT), and other similar modes of transport (collectively Flexible Transport (FT)).

The aim is to provide a platform which allows transport operators to publish information on availability of the flexible services they offer and to enable potential passengers to view details of these services and book suitable journeys.

Bringing together the supply and demand, enhances opportunity for combining trips and supports more efficient use of existing vehicle resource amongst a wider user base.

The portal will greatly enhance the ability of even the smallest transport operators (including taxis) to offer shared services. This will expand the number of providers and level of coverage of the DRT network in the UK.

The project runs from 1st Sept 2009 until 1st Dec 2011 and is funded by the Technology Strategy Board (TSB). Project partners are Edinburgh Napier University; Mobisoft UK (an established transport planning software developer), Quotient Associates (an established communications consultant), and the University of Aberdeen.

The work includes needs assessment, technical development and trial, and the in situ analysis of the portal as it is applied to current FT services. An emphasis will be placed on the needs of rural transport users, as it is often in these areas that the reach of information is least developed, and that transport services are most needed, but will not overlook the potential market opportunities for application in urban and peri-urban areas.